Tell us your stories!
Our readers love to hear new voices and I believe that everyone has a story to tell and an opinion to voice. If you’ve ever read someone else’s words and found yourself vigorously nodding your head, then you understand the power of sharing our stories.
You’re Not Alone is your chance to tell your story. Even if you don’t think you’re a writer, you have a story that someone else will appreciate hearing.
Here are some ideas to start you thinking. Your story doesn’t have to include all of these—or even any of these. I’m just using these as prompts to light a creative spark.
- What do you wish you could tell people?
- What was your darkest moment?
- What turned things around for you?
- What made a difference?
- How did you start coming to terms?
- How do you see your future?
- What’s the silver lining you never could have imagined?
And if you’re thinking “I’m not a writer; I can’t do this” banish those thoughts right now. Storytelling is a basic human instinct. It’s how we learn and how we share information. Don’t overthink it; it’s in your bones. Just tell us; we’ll appreciate it because many of us will have lived it too.
How to Submit:
Please take a look at past posts to get a feel for the tone and style of the site. I am interested in pieces that examine the issues of living childfree, whether by choice, chance or circumstance. News, opinions, observations, and self-help pieces are also appreciated, as long as they are relevant to the site.
Please keep posts succinct and upbeat. Preferred length is 250 to 600 words—just the right length for someone to read over coffee. You should also include a 1-2 sentence bio about yourself, a link to your own site/blog, if appropriate. Please also be specific about the name you’d like to publish under.
At this time we cannot offer monetary compensation for guest bloggers, but hopefully that will change in the near future. Please send posts via email to: editor [AT] lifewithoutbaby [DOT] com.
Thank you for being a part of this community.