This morning I will be in the studios of KKZZ in Ventura, CA, talking live to Kim Pagano about life after infertility. The show airs from 8-9 a.m., so tune in if you’re in the area, or you can stream the show from the website, too. I’ll post a link here later, as well.
In the meantime, it is still Whiny Wednesday, so feel free to grumble and gripe to your heart’s content.
I look forward to listening to you later. I discovered your blog recently and I really like it.
In the meantime, I’ve had it with coworker sending a group email describing every details of their pregnancy at 8 weeks ! I get it that she’s happy, but do I really need to know everything. I mean dont she have any friends to whom she could talk to. I find it difficult enough when people I actually care about are pregnant, I feel I dont need to be subjected to the pregnancy of a coworker.
My student teacher is not doing well. I’m not sure if he’s lazy, a procrastinator, or what, but he works very little during his plan time, and so is always barely getting things done for classtime. It’s such a pain; I’d much rather be the one teaching.