I’ve had a bad back for a couple of weeks now, so I went to a new doctor for the first time. Here’s the conversation we had (roughly) and keep in mind I went in for a bad back:
Dr: Do you have kids?
Me: No.
Dr: Are you married?
Me: (in my head) What the hell does this have to do with anything?)
Me: (out loud) Yes.
Dr: (moments later) Have you had kids?
Me: No.
Dr: Any pregnancies?
Me: No.
I considered explaining my situation, but the guy’s a chiropractor for God’s sake and he has my file right there, so I let it go. A few minutes later I’m standing with my pants around my ankles getting a back x-ray.
X-ray Tech: Are you pregnant?
Me: No.
X-ray Tech: Is there any chance you could be pregnant?
Me: No.
X-ray Tech: When was your last period?
Me: (gives her the date)
Short pause while she does the math.
X-ray Tech: Ok, I’m going to hang a plate in front of you to protect your ovaries.
Me: (in my mind) Don’t waste your time; they’re already fried.)
Me: (out loud) OK.
So, maybe I was a surly patient. I chalk it up to my bad back. But sometimes I don’t feel like explaining why I don’t have children, not even to my doctor.
It’s Whiny Wednesday. I’m cranky about doctors; what’s under your skin this week?
Nadine says
another of my coworkers has happily announced this morning that she is pregnant. So now, pregnancy and babies are the only topic of convesation in my office. I cant stand it, so I close the door of my office and wait for the day to pass. This is just so depressing.
CiCi says
I’ve got two pregnancies and two adoptions in my small office. I’d give my right arm for an office door to close lol
IrisD says
“Bump is the new black”, as stating by Tori Spelling in a preview of her reality tv show where she shows off her third bump. I don’t watch reality tv… just caught this in passing, and I googled and yeap… 13,300 hits saying the same thing: A Coach bag, Manolo Blaniks… and whatever else passes for “fashion” these days and a bump, are “must have” accessories.
ricecakesandredemption says
I can so relate.
CiCi says
My whine today are women who get together and talk only about their children…nothing else. Aren’t we still women, still wives, still sisters, still friends, still daughters? Isn’t there anything, anything else worthy of discussion???
mittlivogis says
I so agree! We are treated as if we don’t even exist sometimes… We are still people for heaven’s sake! I’m betting men don’t have the same problem…
CiCi says
I agree…men have it much easier lol
stinkb0mb says
i know i know, i’m late to the party but it’s been one of those weeks.
i wish i had friends who actually cared about me, that would rock.
kc says
I’m a little late here too. My whine is not knowing what my future will be like not having a family in my future. I get so upset when I think of DH and I as the lonely old couple without a family to brag about, come visit, holidays etc. Without nieces,nephews or godchildren in our lives it’s just really hard. Try as we might to develop ties with friends & cousins with children there just doesn’t seem to be any bonds developing. Having a hard time getting through this year.