I’m always hesitant to replace Whiny Wednesday, as it’s such a popular outlet for angst (see last week’s post as an example of the value of a place to vent, and laugh.)
But tradition here is to mix things up a bit on the day before Thanksgiving and make Whiny Wednesday more like Gratitude Wednesday.
So, in honor of Thanksgiving, what are you grateful for this week?
Lol the first thought that came into my head when I saw the word ‘grateful’ was Blow Me! I’ve struggled with that word since our last ivf cycle in 2009, and it literally almost drove me to drink. I have a lot of history tied up in thanksgiving and the word grateful always comes up on that friggen holiday. Sitting at the table with my large extended family, listening to my sisters be thankful for their babies and new pregnancies, I wanted to scream in mental agony from the expectation that I should now come up with something I’m actually grateful for. Because there was nothing.
I had babies in heaven and I was here on earth. But this last thanksgiving (I’m Canadian) was a bit easier for me. Taking a page out of Lisa’s book, I prepared myself ahead of time. I came up with something I was thankful for, and it was “I’m thankful for all of you. Not all the time, but ya”. WORST grateful statement of all time, but it was true and honest and better than the previous years where I gritted my teeth and tried not to lose my grip. Maybe next year’s statement will be even nicer. Lucky them! Ah, they love me and they can suck it if they expect more of me. I’m moving forward on my time.
I am thankful that I found Lisa and LWB and for her wonderful book “I’m taking my eggs and going home”……after reading her book, it was then that I realized that I wasn’t alone – I truly feel it saved my life!!! I can honestly say, that I am happy in my life now and am actually looking forward to the holidays this year….which is a first in a long time!!!! So, Thank You Lisa for starting Life Without Baby and for all that you’ve done!!! XO
I put off a lot of things in my life since I’ve expected that a pregnancy would be right around the corner. This year I’ve stopped putting things off, and I’m grateful for the fullness that action has brought to my life.
I am grateful for my wonderful partner, my 2 fur babies, for living in a beautiful country (nz) and a big thank you to Lisa for starting life without baby, finally I don’t feel alone anymore x
Although I am dreading the holidays, and as I write this my eyes are filled with tears because I know they are now upon us, I am very grateful that I can come to this site when I need support. I have never read a mean or condescending comment on this site … it’s just full of support, love, and understanding – and I never have to explain myself because you have all “been there, done that” or are just like me trying to come to terms with facing the future “without baby”…. I am forever thankful for you all.
I am thankful for my husband and my family; for my health; for my curiosity in wanting to learn and experience the myriad of things I have yet to discover; for my garden (my bird and butterfly garden, my flower garden, and my upcoming veggie garden), where I get lost in the now and the happiness of tiny discoveries; for this community and the bloggers that also post here, who make me very much aware that there are others in my shoes, who have experienced my doubts, my sadness, and my anxieties… and who are always there with words of support when any one of these emotions comes out in full force.
This year, for Thanksgiving, I was thankful to have a wonderful husband, and on top of that, be a wonderful husband who whisked me away to Las Vegas for the entire week of Thanksgiving, so as to avoid all the drama.