Some time ago, Maybe Lady Liz wrote a brilliant guest post about friends postingĀ pregnancy announcements on Facebook, only to add that they were “accidents.” I thought it would be a great topic for this week:
“Accidental” pregnancies
You can read Liz’s original post here. Just be advised if you decide to click through to her blog that it is no longer about not having children, as Liz is now a mom.
What can I say? Accidental pregnancies make me very envious. It’s just a shame sometimes those particular women don’t realise just how lucky they are. Both of my sister in law’s children were accidental pregnancies. Sometimes, it does feel like a slap in the face to those of us trying to get pregnant and not being able to.
A couple we know who already had two children got pregnant AFTER he had a vasectomy! They were obviously surprised but were also upset because they had practically raised their other kids, but of course when their son as born they were thrilled. But really ? It’s just not right!
I prayed and prayed and prayed that would happen to me….
My good friends daughter “accidentally” got pregnant by her loser/unemployed boyfriend who is living off her and my friend. Already tired of the drama, and now I’ve been asked to help plan the baby shower. Ummm…. I don’t even attend baby showers, let alone plan one. I have been to one baby shower in 30 years and that was because no matter how I tried to get out of it, I couldn’t. It was for one of my employees (her third illegitimate kid) and it would have looked real bad if I didn’t go, so I showed up an hour late and spent most the time in the bathroom choking back tears. Life can just seem so unfair sometimes. Yep… I guess it’s a whiney Wednesday for me…..
I’m 46 and there is still a little voice in my head that says “maybe a miracle will happen”. I know logistically that it’s pretty close to impossible, but there’s always that thought. The first thing I saw on my Facebook page today was someone announcing their pregnancy š Mixed feeling of happiness and pure jealousy…ugh!!
I’m 50 and that little voice still is in my head…. š
I’m also 46 and still hoping.
I’m on the pill, but take it only every second day, because I have this idea that it affects my libido.
And though my partner want me to take them because he doesn’t want more kids (he had two when wet met) he doesn’t want to have a partner that does not want to have sex.
So now he’s hoping were safe, and I’m hoping for jackpot.