It seems that every day brings a new set of challenges. Some of you might be dealing with graduation season now, which was always a tough time for me in the past. It was hard to watch friends celebrate their grown children and usher them safely from the nest. It was one more thing on the long list of “I’ll nevers.”
Next come summer vacations, when kids are suddenly everywhere, and before you know it, we’ll be staring at Halloween and the beginning of the holiday season. I’m not sure there’s any time of year that isn’t challenging in some way.
What are some of the challenges you’re dealing with right now?
Have you recently made the decision to stop treatment and are trying to figure out how to let go of your plans for motherhood?
Are you stuck in a cycle of grief that you can’t seem to break out of?
Are you slowly accepting that your life won’t include children and you’re wondering what to do now?
Please leave me a comment below and I’ll try to cover these issues in the coming weeks and months.