Valentine’s Day can be challenging, full of triggers and missed experiences and what-ifs. So as thoughts turn to love this week, I want to ask you the same question I ask every year around this time:
“What are three things you love about yourself?”
A friend asked me this once, and I was shocked to find myself stumbling over my answer. I couldn’t even name one thing.
I think many us (especially we women) were raised to be modest, not boastful. We often have no problem telling someone else what we admire in them, but can’t then turn the spotlight on ourselves. And even when we do, we can so often point out all the areas for improvement rather than the good things we see in ourselves.
Fortunately for me, my friend is persistent, and she wouldn’t let me off the hook. So here are three things I love about myself:
- I’m honest.
- I will always stick up for the underdog.
- I am not a quitter.
So I challenge you now. What are three things you love about yourself?