I don’t know about you, but I find myself thinking this, if not always saying it out loud, a lot more than I used to. I know I used to have a great sense of humor, I can remember being funny at one point in my life. (I’m sure that was me.) But these days, everything is just so serious.
Some days, when I’m writing my blog posts, I find myself thinking, “Why does this childless thing always have to be so serious?” But if I do write something fun and silly, like yesterday’s post, I’m always wondering if it’s going to sound flippant. I have my own set of trigger subjects that I just don’t find funny, and I know they’re not the same triggers as for others, but I don’t want to risk upsetting someone with an off-hand remark, when what we’re doing here is trying to pull one another through, and be supportive.
But all this seriousness is giving me wrinkles, and there’s no better exercise than a good belly laugh. And I could use one right now.
So, I have a challenge for this week. I need some new jokes to tell and my repertoire is pretty old. So, please share your favorite joke with me. I’m ready to laugh and I would love to have some new jokes to tell amongst the group of 12 people I barely know, that I’m having dinner with on Saturday (so, please, keep them on the clean side.)
I have one last copy of Carrie Friedman’s excellent (and very funny) book, Pregnant Pause to give away to the teller of the funniest joke, (as judged by me), so let’s hear ‘em!
My all-time favorite joke and the only one I can ever tell without giggling:
Q: What kind of bees make milk?
A: BOO-bees!
Probably not appropriate for a dinner party though…
Great idea!! I am wracking my brain to think of a joke…I even googled “childless joke” and found a book on Amazon called “Cheerfully Childless,” who knew?
🙂 Here’s to belly laughs!!
Sarah, if the opportunity presents itself I will tell it, or at least giggle and keep it to myself.
Jen, I appreciate your dedication to the cause! LOL.
I’m going to have to call my brother. He always has a good joke, although not always suitable for polite company.