I just finished reading Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos’ book, Silent Sorority: A (Barren) Woman Get Busy, Angry, Lost and Found. I give it two very enthusiastic thumbs up! With class, dignity, and humor (oh, yes, and an appropriate amount of bile), Pamela not only tells her own story of infertility, but is able to step back and provide an intelligent social commentary on our mommy-centric culture and what it’s like to be childless-not-by-choice when everyone around you is baby-mad.
As I read her story, I found myself slapping my forehead, thinking, “I did that too,” and I realized what I wish I’d known long ago, that I was not alone on my own journey. As Pamela says, infertile women “were everywhere, but nowhere.”
What makes Pamela’s book stand out from other infertility stories I’ve read is that (aside from her not “giving up on treatments and suddenly having a miracle pregnancy”) she talks about the “what now?” how she gained acceptance and found a place for herself in the world.
This is one of those books that I wish I could give to people I know to read. It’s a book that says, “This is what I went through, this is why I was behaving that way back then, but you know what? I’m okay now.”
If you haven’t read this book, put it on your list. It’s an eye-opener. And while Pamela might not yet have all the answers to our questions, she’s starting the conversation about living childless/childfree, and giving us a voice.
You can find Silent Sorority in print at:
Or as an e-book from:
Borders (via Kobo)
I’ve heard great things about this book — need to get it asap. Glad you liked it and that it was something you could relate to. So much that’s written isn’t. Hopefully, you’ll find my upcoming book two-thumbs up worthy, too!
Lu, let me know when your book is out. Would love to help spread the word.
Pamela’s book recently won an award from Resolve! It’s fabulous!! : )
I so need to get back to writing my review on this book. It was excellent in so many ways. Thanks for helping bring it to light. Can’t wait until I’m reading your book next. 🙂
Thanks Lily. 🙂
This book was a turning point for me. What a revelation that there can be life (a happy life!) after infertility.
Thanks, Lily, Lisa, Happynenes, Loribeth and Lu, for your kind words and responses. So glad you found Silent Sorority a good read. I just came across a quote today that seems to particularly appropriate for those forced to reshape the future. It puts the power back in our hands: “We must become the change we want to see.” Mahatma Gandhi
I’ve recently discovered Pamela’s website, and your review has prompted me to order the book on Amazon. Like Pamela, I’m now well into my life without children, and finding it is great – but still get annoyed at society’s pressures on those of us who can’t be moms or who don’t want to be.