Last weekend author, blogger, non-mom cheerleader, and fellow Life Without Baby member, Pamela Tsigdinos, received an award from RESOLVE, The National Infertility Association, for her book Silent Sorority. Her post about the experience gave me goosebumps.
Pamela has taken her experience with infertility and turned it around into something outstanding. She is speaking out and being heard with her message that there is life after infertility, that there is life without children, and what’s more, that life is good.
Pamela, I know you’ll be reading this. I applaud you for the great work you’ve done and continue to do. Kudos, sister!
Standing and applauding as well! Bravo!
Raising a glass of wine to you, Lisa, and all my fellow non-moms. We are here and we WILL be heard!! Thanks for the shout-out. Can’t wait to meet in person.
One of these days. 🙂
Hi, I’ve just found your blog today, and love your approach, your attitude, your writing style. I’ve spent much of this afternoon reading it!
I’m living the same life, post-pregnancy loss and infertility, and occasionally touch on these issues in my blog.
Mali, welcome. I’m so glad you found us. As you can see we are here letting it all hang out and meeting some amazing women.
Go, Pamela!!!