A happy (if slightly belated) Chinese New Year to you! In this year of the rabbit, we should look forward to a placid, unhurried year, where we can expect to be carefree and happy without too many annoyances.
Unless you happen to be childfree in Singapore.
According to CNN, Singapore’s prime minister is urging citizens to follow the example of the rabbit and reproduce.
“In his annual Chinese New Year message Wednesday, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong noted that Singapore’s fertility rate fell to an all-time low of 1.16 percent in 2010 and urged couples to have more babies.”
As if the childless and childfree don’t have enough pressure from family, friends, and society to get onboard and reproduce, now the government is adding their two cents. As if getting out there and “having more babies” is just so simple.
I understand the socio-economic reasons behind this push, but the reality just isn’t so straightforward.
So much for the carefree and unhurried year ahead.
i remember when our government a couple of years ago was urging the population to have more children to up our falling fertility rate.
their line was “have one each for yourself and then one for the country” – so they not only wanted you to produce offspring – they wanted 3 out of you!!
nowt like pressure.
Well shoot…..apparently this infertile did NOT get that memo. I will take added pressure and feelings of inadequacy for $200 Alex…….
Happy belated Happy new year.
P.S. – Still LOVE your book!!!!
Oh sure, they love to wring their hands about the aging workforce & our need to reproduce… but they sure don’t want to help pay for it when we’re having fertility issues…