She doesn’t know it yet, but my cat, Felicity, has to go to the vet today to have three teeth out, which requires a general anesthetic. Meanwhile, I’m alternating between beating myself up for not being a better cat mother, and wringing my hands, worried to death in case anything happens to her. And all I can think is, imagine what a basket case I’d be if I had kids.
It’s Whiny Wednesday. What’s on your mind?
My whine is that I’m back at work after a week of sun and fun in the Dominican Republic! 🙂
My whine is that my holiday is almost over. That I’m running out of clean clothes. And that very cold weather (which I didn’t pack for) is predicted over the weekend. If that’s all I have to whine about, then I’m very lucky, I know!
I am so sorry to hear about poor Felicity! My beloved dachshund passed away at the age of 15, but he could have lived much longer if I had known how to care for his teeth!
My whine today is about my own teeth. After spending the last 20 years with the same dentist, I decided to get a second opinion for cosmetic dental work. I had been prompted by a still, small voice to do this for several years, but ignored the prompts because I could see only cosmetic problems in the mirror. Three dentists later, I discovered I had periodontal disease and the cosmetic thing was the least of my worries. Apparently, 20-minute cleanings every 6 months and a careless attitude about flossing results in deep pocketing around teeth and eventual bone structure loss. Yikes!
“RSVP” means “respond, please,” not “regrets only” or “I’d call you, but I’m too busy.” I AM TOO BUSY to–on top of everything else I’m doing–call or e-mail (or both, repeatedly) you to find out if you’re coming.