As we welcomed the seven-billionth human being into the world this week, I’m overcome with a low-rumbling sense of doom. Let’s face it, we’re really making a hash of taking care of our little planet and one of these days, the poor overtaxed thing is going to get severe heart burn and burb the human race into oblivion. It probably won’t be in my lifetime, and because I have none, it won’t affect my children and their descendants either. I’m trying to muster up some smugness in that thought, but I’m afraid it just won’t come. My only consolation knowing that the other creatures will be better off without us.
It’s Whiny Wednesday. I’m crawling back under my little cloud of doom for the day, but feel free to vent about the issues that are under your skin today.
My whine is that my only brother has three kids, all by accident of course, and he and his wife are just terrible parents. They don’t appreciate their kids, complain about having to take care of them, and the kids have actually told my parents they needed to come live with them because their parents don’t want them around anyway. They have no ambition, no drive to make anything positive out of their lives, no motivation to get out of poverty or stop mooching off my parents. They’re not rational people you can talk to about things either, so I don’t say anything. If I did, I’d let them have it with both barrels and they’d never speak to me again, so I just keep my mouth shut and love the kids. It’s just stupid and senseless, and some people don’t deserve to have children. So aggravating.
Can I have a Thursday Whine on Whiny Wednesday? My whine is about my dreams…. I am constantly having baby and pregnancy dreams. They wake me up way too early and put my mind into overload thinking about the end of my body’s fertile days. :/
With the arrival of the 7 billionth human being this week I can say for once…finally once. I threw a plastic container into the trash without feeling the least bit guilty for not putting in the recycle bin. I always, always try to recycle all that I can for our planet but this week I can proudly say I finally let go and thought “menh…who am I saving the planet for???” Mind you I will continue to recycle all that I can, but for me it was a positive step forward to let go and not feel guilty knowing I am not contributing to the 7+billion.