It’s Whiny Wednesday. Now’s your chance to tell it like it really is.
Whine on!
filling the silence in the motherhood discussion
~ "a raw, transparent account of the gut-wrenching journey of infertility."
~ "a welcome sanity check for women left to wonder how society became so fixated on motherhood."
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Two words: Michelle Duggar. 20? And the 20th at 45? REALLY??? I don’t know who I loathe more, Michelle or her husband.
I agree! Aside from population issues and resource use, it’s cosmically unfair that they can have 20 kids and we can’t have a measly one!
i couldn’t agree with this comment more if i tried.
My whine is a big one – and probably not the best way to introduce myself. Never thought I’d be in this situation EVER. I’m in my early 40s, married 20 + years, no kids (situational, then miscarriages) but thought we’d at least be aunts & uncles to someones kids – family or friends – and have neither! BIL (second marriage) has an “already made” family (from his new wife’s first marriage) but doesn’t include us in any family activities. Now those step kids are having babies and I thought we’d be “great auntie and uncle” but noooo. Family is becoming estranged a bit now so not holding much hope for the future. I have one older brother that hasn’t been lucky in love and now is dating an “over 40” so, thinking they’ll not have any babies either. I’ve tried so hard to keep friendships alive during their reproductive years hoping to be able to spoil my friends kids only to be left out on all the celebrations & sporting events. Recently went through what I believe will be my last misscarriage a couple of months ago and it really got me thinking of our future. Who will want our “things” that we’d hoped to pass down to our kids? Who will keep our memories alive when we’re gone? Who will want our photos? What’s our legacy? Random thoughts like that. Already being left out of family heirlooms now given that we “don’t have a family” so why do we need it speeches. Really hurts! Adoption isn’t something we’re considering right now. Fertility treatments are not for me. And actually Michelle Duggars situation kinda gave me a little hope that there’s still a possibility for us -maybe we’re not “too old”. LOL! But DH is thinking it’s time to give up. I know the future is wide open and lots of things can change between now and (hopefully) by the time we’re old. Any suggestions? Just learning and digging for some kind of answers now. This site has really been a blessing to find.
Reading people complaining about feeling “fat” when they are pregnant. Objectively I understand it is not all sunshine and roses, but they are getting to experience what I wanted more than just about anything in this world, so suck it up! I ended up flipping fat, and never had a baby to show for it, so consider yourself lucky. Boy, I AM grouchy today:)
Parents of unmotivated kids blaming the curriculum instead of trying to encourage their kids to work harder. We FINALLY have a good curriculum, one that actually challenges the kids and makes them work for an A, instead of a curriculum that included ridiculously easy assessments. Of course, there is an adjustment period, but really? If your kid doesn’t work consistently, they probably don’t deserve an A anyway. How about instead of bitching that “the tests are too hard and cover too much information” you bitch at your kid to work harder if an A is so important. And besides, ever hear of the state math test or the ACT/SAT? Pretty sure they cover a shit ton of material, way more than my test that covers three weeks’ worth.
Whew. Thanks for that!
My husband and I recently separated and moved out of our first home. Saying goodbye to what was supposed to be my baby room left me pretty raw again. I kissed the walls and wished the next couple much joy and fertility.
oh Kelly i am so so sorry, that must have been so hard.
If one more person says, “oh just adopt then!” with joy and glee in their voice as if that’s the solution to heartache…I’m gonna snap!
just ask back: Why didn’t you adopt, then? So many children without parents out there…