It’s Whiny Wednesday, your chance to vent if you need it.
Just for fun I thought we’d do the Three-Word Sentence Whine again. Remember that? It’s an exercise I borrowed and adapted from author Abigail Thomas and her wonderful book Thinking About Memoir (which, by the way, is a great resource if you’re considering writing down your story.)
The rules are that you can whine about anything you want, but it must be in sentences of three words. The idea is that it forces you to get to the point of what’s really on your mind, plus it’s good for the old grey cells.
Whine on, my friends!
Lee Cockrum says
Life’s so unfair. Husband/wife separated. Husband job peril. Have three kids. Wife pregnant twins. I have nothing. Sometimes life sucks.
Quasi-Momma says
Skid ignores me.
SIL is pregnant.
Mother’s Day imminent.
Feeling left out.
Faith is hard.
[email protected] says
Soooo Many Babies!
They are everywhere!
Baby clothes here..
Toddler Toys there..
Enough is enough!
I am Baby’less…
Friends are jealous
That is ok,
not my fault.
It’s getting better,
Day by day.
It’s my choice,
I am stronger
I am happy
I am Free!
: ) !!
Trish K.
CiCi says
This sounds fun
I will try…
not so easy
just my luck
what to say
i feel stuck…
loribeth says
Work work work
Vacation next week
Long to-do list (does that count as three words or four?)
No firm plans
Husband won’t commit
That bugs me
:p :p :p
Maria says
I am attorney. 20 years experience. Current job difficult. Politics are sickening. Get no respect. Can’t trust co-worker. Thrown under bus. Forced to defend. Given some acknowledgement. Co-worker skipped meeting. Thought in agreement. Fight begins anew. I hate people. Glad for husband. Grateful for love.
IrisD says
Essays to grade.
Grades due today.
Lots of emails.
Students want grades.
Syllabus is due.
Not written yet.
Need to publish.
Need full-time job.
Pay is low.
Class size 65.
Want some fun.
Want more cash.
Got to work-out.
Must reduce butt.
ootastic says
Call from clinic. One month delay. Not very happy. Resorted to chocolate!
Kellie says
Mom has Sextuplets
Life’s not fair
Nothing in common
Feel left out
Mother Day envy
Deanna says
husband wont talk. we’ve grown apart. feel so deflated. what to do. turn to God. hardest ever trial. why why why.
Jules says
Heartburn hurts hell.
I hate it.
PIxs of babies; I can’t tolerate.
Life is bitchy.
I hate job.
I hate here.
I want out.
Mother’s Day Doom.
Why me, why?
Mali says
Autumn has arrived.
I need work; out of money.
I feel old.
Hair dresser needed.
Clothes too tight
House falling down.
Worried about mother.
That’s about everything.
Feel better now.
kris says
fighting with mom; no end coming
celebs with bellies
getting too fat
don’t have friends
spring is cold
out of shape
no helpful answers
Kate B says
Husband has brothers.
One getting married.
Wedding in Italy.
Very expensive trip.
European taxes outrageous.
Insufficient airline miles.
Hotel choices sucky.
My recurrent whine.
Julie says
I am frustrated. I hate cops. Don’t like drama. Want life back.
shari says
dating again jitters
explain childlessness situation
wonder why bother
no more losers
tired being alone
mother’s day sadness