By Lorena de Quinto
Continuing the effort to share resources in other languages, this week I’d like to introduce Lorena de Quinto and her Spanish-language blog, Familia de Dos (Family of Two.)
Somos una familia de dos. Empecé a escribir con la finalidad de compartir la lucha personal y la bendición de ser una pareja infértil. Quiero compartirles mi viaje personal, el cual aún no ha concluido del todo. Un viaje que para nosotros, fue y es guidado por la mano amorosa de Dios. El es el Único que nos ha sostenido fuertemente en medio de la tormenta y la calma en este viaje de ser una familia-de-dos.
Les comparto un poco de nuestra historia: Mi esposo y yo estamos pronto a cumplir 12 años de casados. Nos casamos en Abril del 2001. Actualmente, él tiene 39 años y yo 38. En nuestro tercer año de casado nos percatamos de que teníamos infertilidad no-explicada: habíamos pasado ya por todos los tests básicos, los cuales mostraban que no había nada raro ni malo en nosotros. Simplemente no nos podíamos embarazar. Así, con esto en mente, de que todo estaba bien y nada estaba mal, iniciamos nuestro arduo viaje. Si sólo era cuestión de esperar, entonces pronto llegarían. Pero, ¿qué había sucedido? Éramos buenos Cristianos, o al menos intentábamos serlo. Estábamos sirviendo en una comunidad cristiana. Y estábamos seguros de que nuestros hijos llegarían en cualquier momento, ya que esto siempre sucede en aquellos matrimonios que creen en Dios, como la “promesa bendita”, la “recompensa”. Bueno, finalmente, después de años de intentarlo, estábamos viendo que no siempre sucedía así. En SU MENTE, hay un plan perfecto para cada pareja (Romanos 8,28). Sin embargo, aceptar esto nos ha llevado muchos años. Saben, no es fácil cuando todas las parejas a tu alrededor, parejas de amigos que se casaron en el mismo año que tú, se embarazaron inmediatamente. Sí, nuestros amigos más cercanos se embarazaron en su luna de miel.
Casi nadie entiende lo que está sucediéndote. Todos quieren opinar, todos creen tener la respuesta, en fin. Hay un ambiente complicado, de incomprensión alrededor de un matrimonio infértil (es muy duro sentirse solo y aislado). Creo que ni ellos están listos ni nosotros para vivir con la etiqueta de infertilidad.
Después de algunos años, tratando de encontrar un lugar perfecto para ser comprendida, empecé a escribir este blog en el 2011. Es muy difícil ser apoyada por aquellos que no han vivido esta aventura. Aunque tengo excelentes amigas que hicieron su mejor esfuerzo.
Esta es mi historia, un viaje lleno de lágrimas, risas, soledad, quejas, una historia llena de momentos “ups and downs”; rodeada de incontables comentarios insensibles y dolorosos que te empujan a esa esquina otra vez, donde sólo tú (o con tu pareja) enfrentas esta situación complicada y estresante. Pero, al mismo tiempo, un viaje lleno de bendiciones, un viaje bendecido (pero llegar a esta aceptación nos ha tomado algunos años).
Es una pérdida verdadera lo que vivimos las parejas infértiles, sin embargo es tan difícil expresarlo y que lo comprendan los demás; pero sabes, hay esperanza, hay una verdadera esperanza para ti y para mí. Hay una bendición escondida en algún lugar, lista para ser descubierta. Lista para que tú la vivas a plenitud. Nada en esta vida es un error, y tú eres una bendición. Y tienes algo importante que hacer en esta vida…
Esta es mi historia:
Family of Two
We are a family-of-two. I started to write for sharing my personal struggle and blessing of being an infertile couple; I want to share my personal journey that has not finished. A journey that for us, it was and still is guided by our lovely God. He is the One who has been holding us so hard.
Our story: My husband and I have been married for almost 12 years. We got married on 2001. He is 39 and I’m 38. In our third year we realized we had unexplained infertility: we had had all the tests, which showed that there was nothing wrong with either of us. So, in this point we started our journey of grief. What had happened? We were good Christians or at least were trying to be good. We were serving in our Christian community. Incredibly, we were sure that children will arrive to any marriage who believes in God, as a “promised blessing”. Well, not always. In HIS MIND, there is a perfect plan for each couple (Rom 8, 28). But to understand this took us some years. It’s not easy when all of your couple-friends get married and get pregnant immediately. This was our situation. Most of our friends got pregnant in their honeymoon.
And not many around us understood what was happening with us. There’s an incomprehensive environment around the infertile marriage (it’s so hard feeling alone). All want to share an opinion, all want to fix your life. I think that no one is prepared to be or to accompany an infertile couple.
And after some years, finding a perfect place for being understood, I started to write this blog (in Spanish), on 2011. It’s very difficult to be supported for those who have not going through this journey. Although I have excellent friends who have done their best.
This is my story, a journey full of tears, laughs, loneliness, complaints, a story of “ups and downs”; surrounded by many painful and insensitive comments pushing you to that corner again, where you alone (or with your partner) face/cope this stressful situation. But at the same time, a blessed journey.
It’s a real loss, you and I know it, but it’s difficult to express it, but we know there’s hope, there’s a real hope for you and me. There’s a blessing hidden yet to be discovered in any moment. This blessing is for you, to live it plentifully. Nothing in this life is a mistake, and you are a blessing. And you have an important task to perform in this life…
This is my story:
Lorena says: “I’m 38 years old and I’m Mexican. I’m married and I’m a housewife. I love to cook healthy food. I enjoy those days where I can sit down and write for hours. I love God and my husband and I have learnt to enjoy our family-of-two.
Querida Lorena,
it was lovely to read your post first in Spanish and then in English.
I was learning Spanish for one year, so I understand quite a lot (but I do not speak it).
I wish you all the best to you and your husband.
saludos desde Europa!
dear Lisa,
I think this is an excellent idea – having guest-posts in native languages on your blog.
One really realizes that infertility is problem all around the globe. And that we are not alone.
THANK YOU for sharing your story, Lorena. LOVE your uplifting post on God’s ways that aren’t our ways and about His blessing in disguise in terms of your infertility journey. 🙂
“Hay una bendición escondida en algún lugar, lista para ser descubierta.” Eso espero. Gracias por contar tu historia. Seguire tu blog.
I loved what you said about God and thinking that if would just happen for you. That is the season of my life I just passed through. …. Thinking that God is going to deliever me a husband
What a wonderful surprise! Hope to see more from Lorena. I especially like the bilingual aspect of the post. And who knew Iris D was so fluent in Español?
Lorena, I am constantly amazed by the global, healing touch of Jesus Christ on so so many lives. I see Romans 8:28 in a new light now because you reminded us that God heals couples in addition to individuals. The verse itself says, “We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” Before today, I read that verse and thought about just my own life because my husband is not a practicing Christian. Now I read it and see that it could apply to my marriage, too, because “God works all things for good…” The key is to ensure that I continue to “love God” and answer his call “according to his purpose.”
I just visited Lorena’s blog and enjoyed reading some of her entries. If you do not speak Spanish, and if your computer has the capability, you can click on Google translate to read Lorena’s blog in English. The translation is not perfect, but you get most of it.