Most days I’m glad to be a renter rather than a homeowner. I like that when my water heater goes out (for the second time in two years) it’s not my problem, and I like the feeling of freedom that comes with knowing that if we suddenly decided to up sticks and ride our bikes around the world, we don’t have a mortgage tethering us to one place.
But this week, I am not loving renting. I am not appreciating my plants being replaced without warning or the constant hammering and sawing and the stream of workmen yammering outside my window when I’m trying to write thoughtful blog posts. This week I am a whiny renter.
It’s Whiny Wednesday. What’s rubbing on your last nerve this week?
I haven’t been whining too much lately…but this coming weekend I was looking forward to going out with the girls on Saturday. I rarely get to do it and so I was very excited about it. We planned on catching the ferry and heading into San Francisco for some lunch and shopping. Today my two friends and I were all texting about the “plan” and next thing I know they made the decision to bring their daughters along on our girls day out. It bummed me out and now I don’t want to go. Ugh!
Hi Kellie,
I wonder if we live nearby each other? I live in the Bay Area and take the ferry into San Francisco on occasion too! Just spent a day at Pier 39 a few weeks ago with my husband. If you’re comfortable emailing, perhaps we can share stories about the good (and the challenging!) about living in the Bay Area. Let me know and I’ll send you my email address. Mary
Hi Mary…Yes, please send me your email address. My email is [email protected].
I look forward to hearing from you.
Oh NO!!!! I would feel the same way, Kellie. Definitely a good thing to express for Whiny Wednesday. Good luck.
Ugh, Kellie, that SUCKS!
My whine…huh, I don’t have one. The sun is out, it’s hot (for SF), and I’m busy doing work I love. Oh, if my clients could be better about paying me in a timely manner, that would help. A lot.
I’m sick and tired of fighting the same internal battles over and over. Enough already! My focus for the day is choices. Trying to consciously make choices instead of being propelled along by emotions and habits.