Why do some people think it’s perfectly acceptable to bring a toddler or baby into an adult-rated movie only to have them cry all the way through?
Not only is it hugely disrespectful to the other paying customers, there’s a reason some movies are rated unsuitable for children. It’s because they’re unsuitable for children!
It’s Whiny Wednesday; time to get it all off your chest. What’s your gripe?
Totally agree! And I don’t want to see kids at wineries and breweries either!
Kids being little germ factories! Please warn me if your child has a cold or sickness. Just because you didn’t get it or are used to getting ill from your child doesn’t mean I am the same way.
My whine is being around parents who have been blessed with a child who complain all the time about how hard their life is and act like you don’t have a clue. And on top of it, live a lifestyle that is so unhealthy that you wonder how they were able to get pregnant but yet you can’t even though you’ve done everything right. Uggghhh.
My whine is about a close friend who warned us via email that she had bought a new camera and she was going to bombard us with baby pictures after the baby was born (she’s in her third trimester now). GAAAAAHHHHH…I sure hope she wasn’t going to send too many pictures. I don’t mind getting a few pictures here and there, but not really looking forward to a deluge of photos…This is probably harder for me because in the beginning she was planning to start TTC the same year we did, though in the end it was postponed. But still this child is probably going to be the epitome of the reminder of what could have been for me (more so than other babies, I mean).
All right, it’s not Wednesday, but I have a whine.
My best friend is pregnant after a bit of an infertility struggle and, of course, I am happy for her. And sad for myself. And completely annoyed with said self for being sad in the face of my friend’s happiness (and my own relative happiness). Every day there is some new happy pregnancy milestone. And I have been keeping it together, mostly thanks to my spouse who is a patient listener.
But, oh for heaven’s sake, couldn’t I beat her just one time at Words With Friends? She annihilates me every stinking time. WHINE!
Amen to everything everyone else replied.
I’ve been to movies such as District 9, a viewing at 10 p.m. where an INFANT was in the audience. And I believe the first Iron Man flick I saw there was a 2 year old who was let loose in our row, climbing all over everyone. I know “It takes a village,” but for fucks sake, get a baby sitter or wait until it comes out as a rental. I’m tired of the selfishness of folks who do this.