Today is the final stop on my blog tour and I’m very pleased to take you to France to visit is a collective of infertility bloggers who have been making some giant strides forward for the infertility community in France. They launched an infertility awareness week and recently lobbied for paid time off for infertility-related appointments, such as tests and procedures.
My post today is about writing through infertility and how sharing my story helped me to heal. My piece appears in both English and French and was translated with the generous help of Life Without Baby reader, Lara. You can read my post—Writing My Way Through Infertility—here. would really like to expand their reach to women who have come to the end of their infertility paths and are looking for the kind of support and community we offer here. If you happen to speak French and would like to write on the topic of living childless-not-by-choice, please get in touch as they would love to have more voices speaking out.
*A note: Many of the articles on are aimed at women still trying to conceive and some of you may find this triggering. Most articles are in French, however one or two have been translated to English.
I loved reading more of your journey this way. The perspective you gained as the “editor” of your story….such a helpful metaphor for me. Thank you for writing x