In honor of Thanksgiving, we’re mixing it up a bit. Instead of the usual Whiny Wednesday, I want to ask you this:
What are you grateful for?
Often when we’re in the thick of grief it’s hard to find anything positive, but my Thanksgiving wish for you is to find a patch of sunshine this week.
Next week we’ll get back to whining. 😉
Thankful for many things… My wonderful husband, our jobs that support us in a lovely lifestyle, our living families and our amazing pets.
I am grateful for the women in my life who raised me with such strength, that was passed down to me. It has really helped me weather Infertility and I am so grateful for that.
Also, I am thankful for coffee. It has snowed here now, and is FREEZING. Coffee is what has gotten me through!
I am grateful for my husband who loves me more than I can ever put into words.
I am grateful for my new puppy (beautiful 7 pound Maltese!).
I am grateful for my family who has tried to understand and comfort me through this (horrific at times) journey.
I am beyond grateful for this website, LIsa, and Pamela (Silent Sorority) and Jody (Gateway Women) for the community of support, helping me speak my truth and come to terms with living my “life without baby”.
xoxo – Kristine
I am grateful for the sensitivity to others pain that I have learned through this journey. I’m also very grateful that im slowly learning that I matter… it’s okay – is actually necessary to be kind to me. Wow. What a journey. I’m also grateful that God has been patient and very good to me through this all. Thank you God.
It’s only recently that I’ve been able to feel grateful about anything. I’m also grateful that I have sensitivity to other people’s awkward situations through having the infertility. I’m grateful to have a partner, I think we tend to underestimate how lucky and important that is.
I am Thankful for Family. No we may not have children of our own but we have sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, cousins who all welcome us at their table. We dont have to spend Thanksgiving with just the two of us and as we remember the Moms and Dads who used to be here with us and celebrate with us we realize the shortness of life and are Thankful for those that are here…even if it means fighting over the Pecan Pie! LOL
I’m thankful for family time. Off to my dad’s tomorrow…he only lives across town.
Also thankful for windows open days; like today.
I’m thankful for my amazing husband who I’m very lucky to have. I’m also thankful for my dog Princess who turned 15 in September. I’m thankful for for the family I surround myself with, we may not all be related by blood, but we have an amazing bond which I cherish especially after having a tough childhood.
I am grateful for the little family that I do have. My little cat “Sincere” and ,that my desire to want a baby has diminished. Also thankful for this site for having a place for US to vent,share,connect….
Very grateful for my family and friends, and to my students. I am so thankful to have so many beautiful people around me.
I am grateful for my husband who is absolutely amazing, funny, witty and a wonderful support. I am grateful for my two cats who I get to treat like children. I am also grateful for my amazing high school teaching job and the wonderul students that I have in my life. I am thankful that I had amazing parents who loved me and provided for me and raised me to be the person that I am today. And I am especially thankful for sites like this that help me to deal and to heal.