It’s Whiny Wednesday and this is one that always makes me scratch my head:
“Kids made me grow up.”
So, does this mean I’m not a grown-up? Because if so, I’d like to relinquish all these grown-up responsibilities I seem to have. How about you?
filling the silence in the motherhood discussion
It’s Whiny Wednesday and this is one that always makes me scratch my head:
“Kids made me grow up.”
So, does this mean I’m not a grown-up? Because if so, I’d like to relinquish all these grown-up responsibilities I seem to have. How about you?
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~ "a welcome sanity check for women left to wonder how society became so fixated on motherhood."
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Yes. Even without kids I am a grown-up.
I still have a house, job, bills, and my partner’s step-kids that I help out with. . . sigh** Being without your own does not mean that I can pick up, live care free, whenever I want. Why do others often think differently.
I also have grey hair and wrinkles.
Exactly, I’d like to stop paying the bills, going to work, household chores, taking care of everything if im not a “real” adult *rolls eyes* I have hear this phrase a lot
and also when they say .. “you think you’re life is tough now? Wait till you have kids” ugh cringe .. sigh*
I’m guessing these individuals who scream that. Havn’t experienced much heartbreak and pain in life. Suffered a chronic disease, diagnosed with a life threatening illness, had legal issues, loss a job and had struggle to get by, loss a loved one, a spouse, had multiple miscarriages, had to raise themselves, never found love, had to care for a “sick parent(s)”…
If being blessed with a child was the “first” thing that made you an “adult”. Youre doing exceptionally well, and I’d give my all to have that life.
I’m guessing these individuals who scream that. Havn’t experienced much heartbreak and pain in life. Suffered a chronic disease, diagnosed with a life threatening illness, had legal issues, loss a job and had struggle to get by, loss a close loved one, a spouse, had multiple miscarriages, had to raise themselves, never found love, had to care for a “sick parent(s)”.
If being blessed with a child was the “first” thing that made you an “adult”. You’re doing exceptionally well, and I’d give my all to have that life. Point is excessive pain and trying to stay afloat.. is what made me an adult.
Well said Tina – quite agree
Of all the garbage that comes out of the mouths of mothers I hate this one the most. It’s usually said by young, beautiful, healthy, middle class moms of about 26 who have never experienced a hardship in their life. How wonderful it must be to have never experienced poverty or pain or sick parents or chronic illness or a disabled sibling or the loss of a job, or the loss of a partner or infertility, or a significant set back of any kind and the blessing of a beautiful, healthy child was what made you give up your endless rounds of partying, alcohol abuse, consequence free sex and embrace responsible adulthood. How nice for you. Now do please shut up and let the rest of us adults get on with it.
Love this comment
Of all the garbage that comes out of the mouths of mothers I hate this one the most. It’s usually said by young, beautiful, healthy, middle class moms of about 26 who have never experienced a hardship in their life. How wonderful it must be to have never experienced poverty or pain or sick parents or chronic illness or a disabled sibling or the loss of a job, or the loss of a partner or infertility, or a significant set back of any kind and the blessing of a beautiful, healthy child was what made you give up your endless rounds of partying, alcohol abuse, consequence free sex and embrace responsible adulthood. How nice for you. Now do please shut up and let the rest of us adults get on with it.
I get this a lot; “You seem so young!” Especially after they find out I’m almost 40(!).
One of the best things is when we are at church and a kid is acting up and we find it funny we laugh. Which doesn’t help the parents AT ALL! We tell them they shouldn’t sit by us. We are a bad influence. 😀 Sometimes it works and we are able to sit by older people or families with teens and not little ones. Then we get to hear what is being said at church.
I feel that I’m more of an adult that people with kids sometimes.
Well yea. Its alot of babies having babies this day and age.
Since my first comment never posted yesterday, i am posting again .. forgot what i wrote yesterday but .. another ignorant statement said by mothers that puts us down .. i agree with the above
Hi Almira,
I’m so sorry your comments keep getting caught. I’ll be working on this over the weekend to figure it out. Fingers crossed. Thanks for your patience.
I’ve only ever heard this from young mothers. My BFF had her son at 22. She has never said this, but her son is what made her grow up. However, for those who were in their 30’s when they had a child, other events in life had already made them grow up before becoming parents.
I will probably laugh out lout if those words were said to me by my parent neighbors who depend on their own parents to raise their children. They don’t even try to get a job to put food on their table, my goodness! 🙂