An old school friend recently posted a photo of her son going off to college.
It got my attention because the “kids” weren’t much younger than my friend and her now-husband were when I first met them, and, as the boy looks like his father, the photo reminded me of them and how flipping long it’s been since I was in school.
It also caused a pang of sadness for another experience I won’t get to have. I won’t get to send my teen off to college or take a photo of him and realize he’s a carbon copy of his dad.
It’s Whiny Wednesday, and today I’m feeling whiny about what will never be. How about you?
Our last couple friend without kids is pregnant. My husband is annoyed I won’t go to the gender reveal (I legit have to work that day, but wouldn’t be going if I was off). I keep a personal rule of no gender reveals or baby showers. I send a gift for the shower and that’s it. I had a baby shower planned before losing my twins so it’s too painful to go to one.
I apologize about my previous post. Something happen to the computer.
I was saying that “I will not have anybody to pass recipes that I received from my grandmother; or somebody who will look like me or those stretch marks from pregnancy !
I am praying for all of us !
Thank you Analia for praying for us .. I keep you and everyone on here in my prayers daily as well.
It hurts when they post side by side comparisons of how they looked as a baby/child next to how their baby/child looks now .. I wish i had that experience to see if my child looks like me or my husband .. sigh .. so many things.