Whiny Wednesday has become such a favorite on the blog and I know that many of you look forward to the chance to have a good rant about what’s on your mind.
For those of you who are new to Life Without Baby or maybe not sure what this Whiny Wednesday thing is all about, I thought an brief explanation might be in order.
Whiny Wednesday came about because many of us felt we were going through our respective journeys alone and that our friends and family often didn’t understand how much we were hurting. Many readers said felt they felt they had to put on a brave face around other people and that the things they wanted to talk about sometimes felt like “whining.”
So, Whiny Wednesday was created as the place where, once a week, you can come and vent about whatever’s on your mind, especially the things you feel you can’t say in-person around others. Most weeks I post a topic for discussion, but the comments are always open for griping about whatever happens to be on your mind.
So, now you know what it’s all about, feel free the have a really good whine this week.
Thank you for whiny Wednesday. It is true we have to put brave faces on often. It’s ok for others to get raw, but people generally don’t know how to respond to our situation so it’s easier to keep it in.
That is so true. Even my therapist can’t really relate…no one can until they life our lives. We have each other, but in all reality this is something we have to face alone. A journey we can only walk, because it is in our time frame that we deal with not being a mother. Whether it is anger, pain, denial, resentment or acceptance…it is in our time frame.
I don’t have to give an explanation every time somebody ask me why I don’t have children. I know my boundaries and they have to respect them.
Although sometimes (specially in the Latino community) they don’t understand…. too bad, so sad.
I can not tell you how many times Whiny Wednesday has made me feel better after crying in the bathroom at work! – Or how many times something related to babies, fertility, IVF, pregnant women (you get the picture) has allowed me to vent my feeling to an understanding crowd and has gotten me through the day! – When I was deep in my grief I looked forward to Wednesday’s because some weeks it was the only time I felt understood – So Thank you!! xoxo
Whiny Wednesday has been a pivotal and ne essay companion in the acceptance and coming terms with being childless not by choice. I never feel alone after I read and at times comment on someone else’s experience. Although we are all different and have had different experiences related to infertility those a lot of the feelings are the same. Sometimes knowing I could rant and no one would judge me gave me the courage to continue on this at times gut wrenching journey. I appreciate the uncodnitonal acceptance and support from others who truly know, this is a real blessing. Thank you Lisa.
I love Whiny Wednesday. In fact I have a whine today to get off of my chest.
It’s related to the grandmothers I have encountered recently complaining about how exhausted they are taking care of their grandchildren because the parents have to work. Frankly what they are doing doesn’t sound like much fun but I still would have liked to have the chance to have the experience. Sigh…..
Grateful for Whiny Wednesday.
I was feeling so awful the week before Memorial Day and I couldn’t really pinpoint why. But I realized that it was 6 years ago that we had done another round of IVF and it was negative. I was so disappointed of course. Then that same weekend, my cousin, who I never got a chance to meet passed away from cancer. It was an awful weekend. I was coming out of the fog today when I got news that my boss is pregnant again. She is 51. Her husband is 38. She has an almost 2-year old who was conceived through IVF – the very first time. So this second one is only the second time she’s done IVF and this one worked too. She’ll be 52 when the baby is born. It’s crazy but she’s happy and of course I’m happy for her because I know how happy this makes her. I was the only one of her agents that she invited to her wedding after party. So she is special to me. I am not devastated by this news, as a matter of fact, I kind of laughed about it. Like, of COURSE she is. I just have to accept that it’s just life and life happens and will continue to happen all around me.
I came across all the needles and used sharps from my last round- I don’t know why I never threw it away, but there it is. I have decided to make an assemblage art piece out of it. Maybe it will help with the healing.
I have proudly been the honorary aunt for my friends children..they have welcomed me for 30+ years and are literally the children I never got To have …I have been with them since the day they were born. I found as they get older rather than be included on the milestones I’m now being phased out and it literally breaks my heart. Makes me wonder if I’m included because they feel sorry for me after all these years and it’s out of some sort of obligation. I won’t go into specifics but yesterday I was left out of a very special milestone that I was told I would most definitely be a part of. When I found out it happened and i wasn’t included my heart literally hurt. I didn’t think heart ache was real I thought it was just a term used. I assure you it exists and is very real. I couldn’t breathe and this hurt just sat in the middle of my chest. Trying to get over it like I have so many other things since not being able I have children but this pain was just as equivalent to hearing “I’m sorry but you’ll never be able To conceive” sorry for the rant this just seemed the perfect place to share my feelings…thank you.
I’m so sorry for your hurt, Furbabymom. 🙁