Happy Monday to you.
Many of you know Kathleen from her Friday “It Got me Thinking” column. She’s taking a break at the moment, but today I’m pleased to share with you her recent conversation with Alexandra Epple of the Women Gone VibrantPodcast.
Alexandra’s podcast is a health and wellness show for women navigating midlife and menopause. She talked to Kathleen about the often-overlooked topic of thriving in mid-life and beyond when you don’t have children.
It’s a lively discussion, and I encourage you to give it a listen. You can find the podcast here:
You can also access it on your phone’s podcast app by searching for “Women Gone Vibrant”. (If you don’t have a podcast app, download the Overcast App.) You can also find it on Kathleen’s blog, 52 Nudges.
As a footnote to this interview, Alexander says she heard from one of her subscribers that she prefers “childFREE” to “childLESS”. Here’s what Kathleen replied:
“Childless v childfree is an ongoing discussion. I absolutely respect each person’s choice. For me, I’ll never be “free”; I’ll always feel some sense of loss in this. However, as I move forward, I find that my life is child-full as I make the effort to engage with nieces, nephews, godsons, and the children of dear friends. That is my choice.”
Enjoy the conversation.
“Child-full” Oh, I absolutely LOVE that! I always say that I am childless, not childfree. Like Kathleen, I adore my nieces and nephews (by blood and simply claimed by me). Plus, I love our foreign exchange daughter and our four-legged fur babies. I may just have to adopt the term “child-full” for myself!
the interviewer is kinda annoying….at least I finally know what Kathleen looks like 😉