This topic came up on the community forums a while ago and I thought it was a great topic to explore here on Whiny Wednesday.
Not being treated like a “real” adult because you’re not a parent.
I’ve certainly experienced this myself and talked to friends who say they’re still treated like a kid because they don’t have children of their own.
How about you?
My mother once insinuated a friend of hers was basically selfish and narcissistic because she had never had a child. She’s been gone several years now, but that comment will always stick with me! ☹️
Yes especially if there is a kid table at the holidays it’s like we’re expected to sit there since not enough room at the adult table. I feel like people think we’re not really adults without kids. We own our house, both work tough full time jobs and even host big dinners since we have more space then other family and friends.
I HATE the kids table. It was only after several years of making excuses for not driving the 800 miles to holiday get togethers, that I realized why I was avoiding them. I just couldn’t stand to sit at the kids table….as a married person….in her 40’s!
I have definitely felt that my lack of membership in the “mommy club” makes people think I’m younger than I actually am. In the circles I generally find myself in, being a “young” married couple without kids isn’t too uncommon, but people are always a little taken aback when they find that my husband and I have been married for several years and that I’m the age I am. They usually assume I’m fresh out of college and just got married.
Same here. I’m not in any “mommy clubs” because I don’t have kids YET.
I was at a meeting Tuesday where they thought I was in my mid 20s. I’ll be 40 next year. They were so shocked when I told them how old I was and that I’ll be married 14 years later this year. They kept saying “but you look like a college co-ed.”
Oh nice to see others in the same position! When I tell people I’ve been with my spouse for fifteen years they usually ask if we grew up together. When I say we met my second year of college, confusion abounds!