A friend sent this picture to me and it made me laugh out loud.Then it got me wondering how this could work for those women (and it’s usually women) at baby showers and family gatherings who unwittingly assume that yours will be the next belly to be celebrated and adored. I haven’t come up with an appropriate equivalent yet, but I’m working on it.
It’s Whiny Wednesday, your chance to let off steam among friends. Feel free to vent at will.
I never got that obviously, I always felt it was so intrusive, to do that. You would not normally do that to any woman. Anyways, I am letting off some steam about grandkids. When I was going trhuinfertility, I thought when my friends were done raising their kids that would be it. But the whole grandkid thing, has reopened the wound for sure. Because it’s all great with grandkids, and magical, sometimes makes me want to vomit! I know striong words, but I guess it’s jealousy, like you already have kids and now grandkids. Jeez! Any ideas how to handle it,I don’t want to be a jerk about it, but I don’t want to h3ar all about it, and each phase there into… ? I’m at work for a retirement party for my friend, and then my daughter pregnant with our second grandkids. Any constructive feedbCk is welcomed. Hugs to alll my fellow travelers on this sometimes rocky road.
…next…never happened…
Would love for that to happen however at age 65 it’s more like the Funeral poke.
Awww to be young be enough to even begin to be considered