With Father’s Day approaching, I am pleased to offer a very speacial guest post today. My wonderful husband offers his thoughts on Father’s Day for you, and for the men in your life who don’t always get a voice. Over to you, Mr. Fabulous:
When Lisa mentioned to me recently that her readers would be interested in my thoughts on and about Father’s Day, I immediately refused. The seed was planted however and I thought and thought and here for you, are my thoughts:
It occurs to me that Father’s Day is another opportunity for couples suffering from the various stages of infertility to get another black eye. My position is unusual because I have children. Lisa and I do not have children and never will, but I am a father. I am glad and thankful for my children and for my granddaughter. I think about them and miss them every day.
You all know that Lisa and I are childless due to infertility. This is the single unpleasant aspect in what is otherwise a relationship filled with friendship, laughter and bliss.
I think about it every day.
Our inability to reproduce makes me sad. Once in a while it makes me very sad, such as when I attended Lisa’s performance at “Expressing Motherhood” and her story, which I had not previewed, snuck up on me and hit me between the eyes, hard. This is why I have not read Lisa’s memoir of our experiences; I will never read it.
Regardless of my sadness, my message to you for Father’s day is one of hope. Lisa and I tossed in the towel two years ago and I am still frequently sad because we will never have children. I am not sad all the time, not every day, not any more.
It will get better.
You will feel better. Your sense of humor will return. You will find your libido. Life, in all its glory, will go on and you will enjoy it once again.
This Sunday, Father’s Day, please remind your partner that things will get better. Please remember to visit, or call or think about your old man, too.
Happy Father’s Day.
Father’s Day
by Harry Ruby as sung by Groucho Marx
Today, Father is Father’s Day
And we’re giving you a tie.
It’s not much, we know –
It’s just our way of showing you
We think you’re a regular guy . . .
You told us we didn’t have to bother
But believe us it’s our pleasure to fuss.
For according to our Mother you’re our Father –
And that’s good enough for us,
And that’s good enough for us.