In her wonderful post last week, Dorothy talked about the idea of getting a double dose of something else good to make up for the child-shaped holes in our lives. I’ve been thinking a lot about that idea, especially as we tick towards Thanksgiving.
I don’t really consider myself unlucky. Sure my plans for having children didn’t work out, but I have so many other things going for me. And as a general rule, I feel that luck is usually on my side.
So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, here are the top 10 things I am thankful for today:
10. My health, which is having its off-days lately, but in the big scheme of things is good.
9. I need to lose a few a pounds instead of having to worry about where my next meal is coming from.
8. I get to work that I love (most days.)
7. Clean flannel sheets. They’re one of life’s greatest indulgences.
6. I live 3 minutes from the Pacific Ocean and on a good day I can almost smell Hawaii from my back yard.
5. My friends, near and far, who make me laugh, or think, or who just listen
4. My family. Mad as hatters, all of ’em, but they’re pretty special.
3. My cat, who was good enough to pick me for an owner, and who loves me in her own strange kitty way.
2. My mum, who is about as good as a mother any daughter could ask for and is coming to spend Christmas with us.
1. My husband, who isn’t perfect, but is pretty flipping marvelous despite his flaws.
Feel free to join in and add your own list.