It’s December and I don’t know about you, but I can smell 2013 in the air!
I know we still have the holidays ahead, and I’m promising to get into the spirit this year, but I love the New Year and so I’m already starting to wrap up 2012 and get ready for a fresh start next month.
I tend not to hold grudges or to hold too tightly to the past. Lots of things happened this year that I wish had happened differently, but they’re over now and out of my control. I can’t change them, so I may as well pick myself up, dust myself off, and apply the valuable lessons I’ve learned from my mistakes to make sure they don’t happen again next year.
So far, my plans for 2013 include a couple of trips, some time to finish my book, some exciting projects for this site, and some deliberate “white space” on my calendar to recharge my batteries.
What about you? Are you thinking about the New Year yet? What’s on the horizon for you?
We just moved to an acreage in the country and are preparing to start a small market growing business growing organic heirloom vegetables for a small local grocery and the local Farmer’s Market. That is pretty much it as far as next years’ agenda.
I don’t know what I am doing in 2013. I was in the process of applying for a PhD when we realized we were going to be childless. I will finish the application, but I feel that there is something different for me on the horizon. Mostly, picking up the pieces and moving on.
I announce to my boss yesterday that I will be quitting my job for the new year. After much thinking, I decided to start working as a free-lance translator. I am really excited about this new chapter in my life and I cant wait for the New Years. As much as 2012 (and the years before that) was difficult, I feel that things are getting better and that the horizon look promising indeed.
As I think about 2013 my thoughts include many things, possible move to the city which will bring a job change, and we may just find out one way or the other if we can ever have children.
I want to publish my dissertation. Publish a few articles, teach a few new classes, and really work on my garden. 🙂
I am an attorney for a university. My goal is to start teaching a course on real estate development in our MBA program and establish a mentor program for our adult students who have aged out of foster care and have no family.
Looking forward to it already. I’ve collected the pieces from this year and ready to go with something new, a change of scene.
2013 is I think going to be a year of getting things done that I’ve been meaning to do for ages. (Do you hear all the New Year Resolutions being formulated and broken?) No big trips planned – so at least at the moment I’m quite relishing the fact that we’ll be here over the summer. I’m working on a project that I’d hoped to finish by Christmas, but will not be, so I’m determined that that will be my first priority to finish in the next couple of months. Another priority will be getting some more – hopefully contract – work.
I’ll be getting double jaw surgery next year, something I’m excited about (hoped for years for this) and ready to have over with at the same time. This is something I probably wouldn’t have been able to do with kids (finances, time, energy) so there’s one silver lining.