I had to take a break from the news and social media recently. It just seemed as if nothing good was happening in the world. Amid all the wars, politics, tragedies, and deadly diseases was story after story that prompted this week’s topic:
People who shouldn’t be allowed to have kids
It’s Whiny Wednesday. What’s making you furious this week?
Jane says
Yes I agree – I like to watch the news for 15 mins in the morning while I have breakfast and a cuppa. I have found lately though I am going to work on a grump. I have swtiched over to catch “homes under the hammer” which i love. Although you cannot get more that 10 mins in before the programme is all about the new arrival. I am at work and think well as long as I can switch off the many “what they have been up to today” conversations I can crack on with my work. Help me someone – she has only brought the new born into the office and is but 2 desks away and heading in my direction………….. i want to scream “GO AWAY”
loribeth says
Time for a coffee break!! (Even if you’ve just gotten back from lunch.) I have done this many times — just left the office for awhile to escape when I couldn’t handle a wee office visitor.
Jane says
Thanks Loribeth – a good idea. Sometimes the battle is with outsleves – justifying an escape. If we need it we must go… thank you
Kristine says
I was invited to a wine tasting/sampling at a vineyard. Even though a few of the couples we were going with had children I thought, “we are drinking wine, finally a childfree activity”….. oh was I wrong!!! My friends actually brought their kids to a vineyard! I was shocked! Who are these people who think it’s a good idea to bring their kids, let them run all over, then after drinking MUCH wine, put their children in a car seats and drive home?! – Are you kidding me?!!! And it wasn’t just my friends, it was everyone! There were infants in strollers, toddlers, young elementary age children – it just blew my mind that people bring their kids to this activity… I was the designated driver for myself and my husband, but the people with kids were drinking and driving….. I can’t have children, yet here we saw “People who should be allowed to have children”…. Oh my!
Jenn says
I’m always surprised at the amount of children at the vineyards when we go for a tasting. I always thought it was an adult activity and even though I love checking out local wines I don’t appreciate having a bunch of kids running around me while I’m there.
HAT says
I just found out my family doctor, who has been amazing and wonderful, is leaving his practice to someone else. I haven’t seen my doc in almost a year and had I known I would have been loosing him I would have. Switched to an office closer to me months ago. But today to walk in, there is no clinic being offered (normally my only route to a doctor even my own) and I had been waiting to speak to him about medical marijuana as my health is such that I am so exhausted most days I can’t keep my eyes open to work or drive. My usable hours are sporadic and short and doing much of anything shortens them even more. I am waiting for Tribunal date for Disability. I am glad I don’t have kids at this point but I am frustrated because part of me thinks that if it was my child with a chronic illness I would have been treated differently.
Maria says
I used to get really worked up about people who should not have kids — but lately I feel like who I am to say who has or gets anything in this world. It all comes from a major disappointment with my job. I feel defeated and have given up on myself.
IrisD says
I hope whatever is going on at work is just a temporary thing and that you will be feeling excited and energized again soon.
Amy says
I have had a couple of hard years with this topic. My husband’s ex wife had a baby last year with her convict (literally a convict, has been in prison most of his life) bf. They were using drugs together and she was definitely using while she was pregnant. It was really really difficult to handle. I have two stepchildren and she turned them against my husband and I after we tried to get her into a drug treatment program so in addition to the new baby my relationship with my stepchildren has been tarnished. Seeing my stepkids with their new baby brother when I have been trying for five years to give them a sibling has been excruciatingly painful. Letting go of the anger and resentment is so hard. It was literally my worst nightmare when I heard she was pregnant. It felt like some sick joke that after all my struggles this terrible woman would have another child to raise when she is incapable of even functioning on her own. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. You can’t control the world around you, you can only control your reactions. I upped my therapy and wrote some letters to myself and to people (unsent letters) to let out some of my anger and frustration. I worked very hard on my relationship with my stepkids and it is finally starting to get better. I chose to move on and not dwell on my anger. It still comes but I just feel it for a little while then let it pass over me and move on with my life. She may have a new baby but she’s all alone now (her bf ended up cheating on her when he got out of prison and go another woman pregnant! so crazy) and I have an amazing husband that loves me. So I’m just focusing on that love and not letting it get me down.
Alex says
I try REALLY hard to not judge those that have children. I don’t know their story or what they have been through to get those children. I do have a cousin who is someone I have a hard time with because she gets pregnant so easily and is still trying to be a ‘teenager’ and have a party life. My cousin has been better recently and now her older daughter (3 yrs) actually acknowledges her mom, she used to call her grandma her mom. It has been very difficult for me and my hubby to watch all of this because we feel like we are deserving of a family, we feel like we are ‘doing everything right’ and have such a good relationship. At the same time, maybe there are things that I can handle that others cannot. I don’t know, it is a constant battle. I don’t want to be judgmental and at the same time, envy those who seem blessed with my ultimate wish.
Yvette says
I work for a company that does a holiday campaign for helping families in need. The families write into the station requesting assistance. I have been doing this for many years now and ever since I found out that I cannot have children, this part of my job has become difficult. You see, I have to read the letters that come in requesting assistance and it absolutely drives me insane to see how many people have “more” children than they can afford. The have 4, 5 and 6 children and barely can care for one. It gets to me, because I can’t even have “one” child, who I would more than be able to provide for. Then on top of them continuing to have more children, they completely depend on the government and organizations like ours to provide for the children they bring into this world.
It’s just one of my pet peeves as a childless woman, that people who don’t appreciate or can’t afford to take care of their kids, continue to have more. Where is the fairness in that!
Mali says
There is no fairness. This doesn’t bother me these days. Yes, I am upset for children who are stuck with the parents they have, but I don’t take it personally. It’s all so random.
But yes, I do feel that society feels that it is an absolute right to have children, and as many children as you want, regardless of whether you will be a decent parent or not. Where’s the concern for the children?
Janet T says
This issue bugs me in a big way. I do realize it’s random, but still it bothers me that people who can’t/don’t provide for their children, whether financially and/or emotionally, get to go on and have child after child expecting everyone else to pick up the slack. No, it’s not fair. Do you know how many times I have wished I could “rescue” one of these children I’ve come across and give them a good home? Too bad it doesn’t work that way. And don’t get me started on those undeserving parents who let their children run amuck with NO discipline whatsoever. Maybe it’s not up to me to judge, but this is a hot button issue for me.