One of the earliest posts I wrote here was about the trend at the time in baby doll tops that, on me, looked like maternity wear.
This week, a reader offered this Whiny Wednesday topic about shopping for new clothes. Her whine is:
“The need to go shopping for new clothes and trying to find something I feel good in vs. something I think screams ‘infertile and has a poor sense of style.’”
She may not have a great sense of style, but at least she has a great sense of humor.
It’s Whiny Wednesday. What can you laugh about this week?
Amazing! I thought I was the only one that felt this way!
For me it got so bad as a result if the depression that I just dressed in jeans and t-shirts as I felt so unfeminine! My friends can’t believe that as a result if this one issue I’ve lost the ability to dress myself in any definable way. So I’m seeing a style consultant. It’s going to be expensive and to a large extent annoying (I think it’s extravagant) but I want to be able to have a sense of style again.
I think infertility dashes our confidence, in areas we just don’t expect – like clothes and style. I wish those baby doll tops were the trend again – they might hide my very unpregnant but menopausal tummy.
“Menopausal tummy”… this weekend I met my four month older cousin who just became a grandmother, and I met the grandchild and it’s mother and lots of other relatives as well, and all I could think about was how I want to be in shape next time we meet and what clothes I’m going to wear and how I want to look better and be in better shape than all my relatives, all of them parents and many of them grandparents.