This week’s Whiny Wednesday topic was suggested by a reader:
Fearing the quiet we will have for years.
She was concerned that not having children would leave her life and house too quiet and empty. How do you feel about this? Is it something you worry about? If not, what is on your mind this week?
After my going through the loss of my second daughter in August I feel like my house will never be the same. I also feel like my family will never know how I dreamed it to be. It feels broken and nothing can be done to fix it.
Some people suggested me to have a dog… not the same, sorry.
I thought of the same too since I did IVF and none of the eggs make it for embryo transfer. Really fearful that we will end up with no child… That would be quiet years ahead even though our plan was also to travel. But how long can we travel? This disappointment and uncertainty is filling up my brain and I wish it will go away…
I can’t say I fear a quiet house, I grew up in a large family and there was a lot of choas . I have worked hard to create a safe place with my 2 nd husband. I have fought to. Not It think of myself as less than because I can’t produce a baby and fidget when new health issues crop up.i talked to a girl at work and she had infertility many years ago and eventually ended up with kids. She has health issues now and going for a hysterectomy like I did this year. At times I have anger that Dr. Did not identify my endometriosis until my hysterectomy the first time I heard of it. But this girl saw a Dr. For years and didn’t address her issues, right there I felt the solidarity of Dr. Doing the best they could but have missed the mark for me and others . It saddens me what I went thru to become a mom and it not happening.and some people have the miracle babies but not me.. I wanted answers why, now I know but it isn’t as comforting as I hoped. but I guess we all suffer with or without kids and we all have good times too.the sadness comes at times , but not like before and at times I am relieved I don’t have the added stress of raising kids, i will always have feelings about this , but staying stuck after losing a friend my age isn’t an option either for me. I have many purposes even if I am not a mother! I am a wonderful Aunt, a good wif, excellent friend, and a funny sibling, a good employee and so much more. Love to you all! ❤️
I never had the fear of a quiet house and now after all these years, I embrace my quiet life. Sure I enjoy being out with people and their children and grandchildren, but I also have learned to embrace my own solitude. Even without children, I live a full and vibrant life, not the one I had planned but the one I was given and I have tried to make the most of it.
Good Morning,
I am 32 years old and in a place where I am trying to determine if children are for me. I had baby fever for a few years and always thought I would have children because that’s “what women do”, but then I became a teacher and the desire to have children quickly faded. I also went through a mental breakdown during college that caused me to battle acute depression and anxiety. I am so frightened that I would relapse and not be able to fight that fight again post pardom. Would really like to hear thoughts and comments about these fears I have. Happy Friday!