When I first started this blog and began writing openly about my feelings and thoughts surrounding infertility and my unplanned
childlessness, I often thought: You can’t write that, Lisa. People will think you’re crazy.
I worried that being honest about the thoughts that ran through my head, the bitterness that always bubbled under the surface, and the absolutely madness of questing for a baby would flag me as “not normal.”
I know that some people did think I was crazy. One compassionate soul even told Mr. Fab as much. And I’m sure there were plenty more who wondered about my sanity. If they did, I never heard from them.
What I do hear, so often, on this blog and in my email box is: “I can’t believe I found someone else who thought/said/did this crazy thing. I thought I was the only one.”
I laugh to myself when I read this, because I thought I was the only, too. By being honest about my craziness, I discovered I wasn’t crazy at all, because for every crazy thing I admitted to, I found someone who had thought/said/done the same thing.
Turns out this insanity is perfectly normal.
When you’re in the thick of frustration, of feeling odd, left out, and misunderstood; when people tell you you’re acting crazy and it’s not normal, find someone here to tell. Add a comment to a post or start a thread in the forum. I promise you, you’ll find someone else who understand exactly how you feel, and it’s very reassuring to realize how normal your craziness is.
You may not be surprised to hear that the people who thought I’d gone mad had never walked in my shoes. They had no idea what it was like to be unable to have the children they wanted. Any time I have spoken to someone who has been through this experience, we’ve almost always been able to share in a common craziness, and nodded knowingly as we’ve admitted to some of our crazy thoughts.