You’re hosting a dinner for a group of friends at your home. Some of the guests are also childfree/childless, but some have little ones. How do you deal with the friends who have kids?
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filling the silence in the motherhood discussion
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I say, “This is a night out for the big people.” Usually, that works. 🙂
Lately, it seems that most of our friends who have kids just assume that any invite to our house is “no kids” based on our infertility history. Some of them who have trouble getting a sitter will say no to an invite, but will say yes to something someone else is hosting because they said it was baby friendly (My example is our Halloween party, and someone else’s Halloween party…a week apart). We never actually said that babies weren’t welcome; they just assumed. On one hand, I feel insulted that they said no to our invitation, but on the other, I’m okay with them not coming.