Is it really October already? My goodness this year has flown. Back in May, during our discussions about that holiday, someone mentioned Halloween as being their second least favorite holiday as a non-mom. I must say I vacillate between loathing and loving Halloween. In years past I have gone out of town, or at least out of the house, to avoid all the impish cherubs begging for candy on my doorstep. Sometimes the cute factor is just too much to bear. Other years I’ve stocked up on candy and joyously given handfuls to every sized kid in the neighborhood. Hey, I never claimed to be logical or rational about my childlessness.
This year, the jury is still out. Maybe I’ll pull out my skull lights and Marcus the Carcass, my glow in the dark lawn ornament, and show some enthusiasm…or maybe I’ll turn out all the lights and pretend I’m not home. As I don’t have kids, the prerogative is mine.
What about you? Do you love or hate Halloween? Is it a holiday for kids or is it a better holiday without kids in tow?
We have one holiday we don’t have to contend these issues! Our very small town has a big party for the kids in “the Village.” This year we won’t even buy candy. One year we had 3 older kids stop by, but beyond that, in our town no one goes door to door.
Of course, this year a friend with 3 kids wants us to go with her to the party. Think we’ll pass.
I don’t enjoy it anymore. Does anyone over the age of 13 enjoy it anyway?
My husband and I LOVE Halloween. We dress up in a couple costume (two years ago we were Brody Dahle of the Distillers and her husband Tim Armstrong, so we were full-on punk rockers, we even did my hair in liberty spikes; last year we were Morticia and Gomez Addams), and we now have an annual Halloween party. We go all out with decorations and Halloween-themed food, and I usually enjoy the trick or treaters (we’ll see how it goes this year). It’s nice to be able to do whatever adult thing we want for Halloween and not have to worry about what our kids are doing. Although I’m sure that if we had been able to have kids, we would have figured something out.
I used to love Halloween. These days, not so much. The trick or treaters don’t bother me as much as the pictures of the babies in the pumpkin patches on Facebook. Those torture me for some reason.
I hate Halloween! Seeing all the cute costumes in the stores just makes me realize that the holidays are coming in full force – with Christmas not far behind. My husband and I tend to hide in the back of the house pretending we’re not home. It’s brutal.
Ha, Julie, I think we were separated at birth. My husband and I LOVE Halloween. We’re both Halloween babies. It’s my favorite holiday. At work, we get to choose between having Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years off. I told my boss, I don’t care about any of those, but I WANT Halloween off. We carve pumpkins, eat birthday cake, drink beer, watch scary movies and hand out candy. I’d trick or treat myself if I could get away with it. I love October and all thing spooky in general. Pan muerto… Haunted houses… Stephen King books… Black cats… Witches… All souls… Hooray October!
The last time I dressed up for Halloween I was Gene Simmons. Sadly I broke off the heel on my platform boots, so I’ve lost my mojo since then. Last year, Jose and I were invited to a friend’s house for dinner and then to hand out candy in their crazy Halloween neighborhood. I wore a fake wart on my nose, which was pretty funny as we didn’t know most of the other people there, so they weren’t sure if it was real or not–at least until it fell off in my soup!
I like to see the kids dressed up, but I don’t get broody, just choked up same as I do at parades or commercials. It’s a curse. To be honest, seeing the frazzled parents at the end of the evening when their kids have just crashed from the sugar high, and the dads who have been cajoled into Pooh Bear costumes, makes me glad that I can spend my Halloween however I choose.
Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. Today, however, I’m reading on Facebook about all the parents who get to go see their costumed children parade around school playgrounds. Later this weekend, they’ll go to parties and take over neighborhoods to go trick-or-treating. And my heart is breaking. Is noon on Friday too early in the weekend to drown my sorrows in Lemon Drop martinis?
Sometimes I think Friday at noon is the perfect time to start on the lemon drops. This sounds like one of those days.