According to an article by Lisa Hymas (she’s the GINK mentioned in Wednesday’s post) 2010 was a the year childfree went mainstream. She says:
In 2010, the childfree started making some real noise. Get used to it; you’ll be hearing a lot more racket from us in the future.
I’m inclined to agree with her on this and add that the childless-not-by-choicers got a voice too.
Last year, fellow CNBC-er Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos won the Team RESOLVE Choice Best Book Award for Silent Sorority. An organization focused on helping couples find family-building solutions recognized a book about living a life without children. I call that progress.
In my own corner of the world at the start of 2010, I had expected to tuck my childlessness away and pull it out for examination only once in a while. I wanted to talk about it, but who would want to listen? Turns out I’m not the only one who felt that way. I’ve been amazed to discover how many of us are out here, ready to talk and be heard.
And people are listening. I’ve had several friends (with children) who have read this blog and told me that they see their other childless/childfree friends in a new light and understand their situation a little more. I call that progress, too.
We are still (and probably will always be) a minority, but my hope is that, some day some of the issues we face will go away, or at least get the respect they deserve.
Thanks for the shout out, Lisa! I do believe the tide has turned in a good way (finally!) … I’m happy to see how, pulling together, we can make a difference and be heard.