University of Texas Psychology student, Lindy Lotz, is conducting a research project to investigate the life satisfaction of women who do not have children and how this relates to various aspects of life (e.g. desire to have children, pressure to have children).
She is looking for volunteers to a quick online survey. I took the survey myself and can vouch that it really does take less than five minutes to complete. As a plus, participants who complete the survey will have the opportunity to enter into a drawing for a $100 VISA gift card.
The eligibility criteria for this survey are women, 18 and older, who do not have biological children. There is no limitation regarding location.
If you are interested in taking this survey, just click on this link. Thanks!
Lisa, the link goes to Survey Monkey’s homepage and not to the individual survey. Would you please repost?
Sorry about that. Try this one:
i completed the survey but i really don’t think such a survey captures what it means to have “life satisfaction” when you’re childless by circumstance. life satisfaction for me, at the moment, is an ongoing process and not a definite state of mind. It can change every day… every hour. I wrote this in my comments in the survey as well.
I’m with you. I had so many MORE questions I wanted to answer.
Better late than never. Lisa,l completed the survey. If results come across your desk, please do share.
I will!
I filled it out – thanks for helping us help Lindy’s research!