Time for a Fabulous Friday again, I think.
Here’s your chance to rave about all that’s good in your life right now – big plans, fun things, or even just life’s sweet spots.
I’m off for a weekend at the coast with Mr. Fab. It’s partly work-related, but that work will include wine tasting, eating, and milling around pretty towns. The non-work bits will be all about resting, chilling in a cottage on a clifftop, and taking some beautiful hikes. The weather forecast looks good and we are ready to just spend some quiet time together. I expect to be back on Monday, refreshed and ready to take on the world. Fabulous.
So, what’s fabulous in your world this Friday?
Here’s what’s fabulous – I just found out that my husband does not have to work on Super Bowl Sunday after all! YAY! We can watch the game together! Double YAY! If the Giants win, I’ll be back on Monday with a tripley YAY!
Hubby’s had 3 days off ‘coz he knows during that time I’m having some days off from work as well (I work part-time and my schedule is random during the week, so there are times I have to work during the weekend and I have free days in the middle of the week) and we’ve been having a great time together spending quality time, staying up till late, watching our fave series and new movies…plus fabulous sex! 😀
We are going cross country skiing this week end and I look really forward to it, since this season the snow situation has not been good and we had to cancel our previous trip. This time, it’s good and we will be staying in a charming inn. Yeah !
Taking the motor home and heading to Bodega Bay for some quiet time with my hubby and our doggies. Going to do some whale watching, walking on the beach, sitting by the campfire drinking wine and making smores. Coming home Sunday to meet some friends and watch the Superbowl. Since my team didn’t make it this year – I can relax as I just don’t care who wins. Gonna be a good weekend!!!
Fabulous Friday indeed…got on the scale and lost 3.5 lbs this week!!! It’s been a huge change in my workout routine and eating habits and the hard work has paid off! Woohoo!!!
I have to say, my day started out just so-so. We had tornado warnings this morning which meant bad storms, and I thought that was going to set the mood for my day. I went to the commissary (military grocery store) to do my shopping and ended up receiving a $25 gift card for purchasing a Frito-Lay product from the Frito-Lay rep. It was great saving a little bit of money on my grocery bill! My husband actually got off work early for once, and we had homemade pizza for dinner! I have to say, I am pleasantly happy how this day turned out! I hope everyone else had a great day too!
Well, it’s not Friday here anymore, but it is fabulous. Today I’m in Singapore, it is my wedding anniversary, and we’re going out to dinner tonight after a celebratory drink at Raffles Hotel.
It’s a day late, but I have an absolutley FREE weekend to spend with my husband! We may just hang around the house and do nothing….what a luxury!