It’s Halloween and I really wanted to prove I could get into the spirit of things this year. But it just isn’t working out that way.
I’ve been so busy the past few weekends that I haven’t had chance to put out my decorations. Mr. Fab will be home late, so that means greeting trick-or-treaters alone, which feels weird. And my stash of candy is already much smaller than it was a week ago (know idea why!) and I can’t face going to the store to buy more.
So instead, I’m planning to go to a yoga class tonight, then come home, turn out the lights, have a long bath, and go to bed. What a fun and festive person I am.
Alas, my intentions were good, but my execution has failed me.
Happy Halloween to those of you who are in the spirit, and Happy Whiny Wednesday to those of you who aren’t. If you’d like a Halloween gripe, please feel free to do so here.
My whine is I live in nj where we are suffering the consequences of hurricane Sandy. I have been without power for 2 days and will continue to be for at least a week maybe longer. I am counting my blessings that my house didn’t flood, we are safe and we have hot water for now.
Oh no, Maria. I’m glad there was no serious damage to your home. I’m from Miami. We’ve been lucky not to have had any major damage (we had our roof done a couple of years ago and had to put up a new fence and of course miss our irreplaceable trees), and I can certainly relate to being without power. Hope everything in your life is up and running back to normal soon. On the Halloween front, I don’t know what is up with our neighborhood, or South Florida in general. It seems parents take their kids to the malls for trick or treating. I’ll go out and get a small bag of candy shortly, but we don’t really get any trick or treaters. Actually, I think it’s kind of sad because I remember how much fun it was when I was a kid.
I’m so sorry. I’m glad you’re safe. Sending good thoughts your way today.
Thank you both so much. I saw a lot of work done just today to clear trees. It makes me think power will be on soon. I appreciate the well wishes.
Hi Maria,
Hope you have power by now. We just got ours back last night – we are on Long Island. As inconvenient and frustrating as it was without heat, hot water or electricity, we were lucky to have not had any damage. My belated whine is rude people who forget how lucky they are to be safe and still have a home after this storm. Crises like this bring out the best – and unfortunately the worst – in some people.
Since Halloween kicks off the holiday season, I’ll go ahead and rant about Christmas…lol. My brother, his wife and their two kids were supposed to spend Christmas at our new house this year. We were all psyched, thinking we’d at least get to have the Christmas-morning-with-kids experience once in our lives. But ON MY BIRTHDAY, my brother called and said they’d changed their minds and would be spending Christmas eve and day at home. No explanation. WTH??? My poor mom, who is also planning to come up, is devastated. And my husband and I don’t even know how to feel. But we’re certainly disappointed. SIGH. Hopefully we’ll at least get to meet some new neighbors tonight on Halloween.
Last Hallowe’en, we had lots of sugar-free gum, stickers and chocolate bars ready to go. By 7:30 pm it was clear we weren’t going to get any kids at all. So, Esso ate the chocolate, and I spent the next 6 weeks chewing gum. We still have the stickers.
It was so exciting 3 years ago when we bought our first home and would finally have trick-or-treaters. This year I’m not in the mood to celebrate. I think having to repeatedly open the door and see children’s faces will make things worse. I always thought I’d have the chance to make costumes for my own child.
And I decided to go on Facebook…………. enough said.
Whiny Friday for me… a few weeks ago I sent a questionnaire to some of our customers by snail mail including an already stamped and adressed envelope for them to send the questionnaire back to me. Today one of these was in the mail. Our logo and adress had been cancelled out in a confusing way and some other things added on the envelope. When I opened it a baby pictures fell out with the words “Hi granny from XY”. It’s only then I understood that someone had used the already stamped envelope to send a private baby photo to his mum or MIL. The post obviously got as confused as me and sent it back to us. A baby pic of all things.