After managing to make it through the entire winter dodging everyone around me who’s succumbed to one of the awful flus that have been going around, I’m now sick.
I plan to spend as much of today as possible on the couch, whining. Please feel free to whine here in my absence.
Melissa says
it is the first day of spring and 12 degrees outside, that is all. ugh.
Klara says
having lunch with two highly pregnant coworkers. Difficult.
Klara says
PS: dear Lisa – get well soon!
Amel says
Uhhh ohhhh…rest a lot and get well soon. I’ve had a bout of cold after hubby had a cold (and ear inflammation), but I’ve recovered from it. Can’t wait for our upcoming “winter” holiday slot! 😀
K says
I thought I was finally over wanting kids. Then my MIL came, and my husband, knowing she’d need motivation to ever leave, uses adoption saying we’re having a home study in April. Great concept, but now it’s all questions about where parks are, where we’ll put what, and just generally about “the baby,” with lots of “I’ll pray that it happens soon” etc. Losing it fast.
loribeth says
Feel better soon, Lisa!
I’m whining because it’s (supposedly) the first day of spring and there is (still) snow on the ground and in the air outside. :p
I’m whining because dh is in a bad mood (work stress) and I just don’t want to deal with it right now. :p
I’m whining because I have been boss-less for more than a month now… no indication of when the position is going to be filled… and the director who is looking out for us in the meantime is the hardest person in the world to get hold of… I have literally had to chase him down the hallway a couple of times, waving the document that needs his approval before I can move on to the next step. :p
And I’m whining because my computer got upgraded last night with new Windows 7 and Office 2010 software. Which is actually a good thing… but there is a learning curve, and everything even looks different right now on my screen. :p
Whine over. (For now…)
Illanare says
I hope you get well soon, Lisa.
I whined on my own blog yesterday so nothing here today 🙂
Mali says
General life uncertainty is my whine. Whilst I think things will work out, I’m feeling very emotional this morning. Maybe it’s hormones playing havoc? Maybe it’s a manifestation of the stress of not knowing whether we’ll have any income in two months time? Maybe it’s a result of my inaction? Maybe I’m beating myself up at the moment? I don’t know. I wish I did. And I think that’s actually my whine.