When you’re deep in your grief—and even when you feel like you’re finally in a good place—there’s one place that continues to be a trigger:
The Baby Aisle
Has it caught you unprepared? Did the sight of binkies, diapers, onesies, and teething toys bring on an epic meltdown?
Here’s your chance to vent.
I have been caught by the baby aisle and felt a bit triggered in the early days, particularly if I needed other things in that aisle. The place it got me most was IKEA. There’s no way of avoiding the baby stuff in IKEA. You are literally forced through to get to other sections. I wrote to them and described how their store design could be really upsetting to those in fertility treatment and how it prevented me wanting to visit. No response but I continue to hope that the occasional prod will result in some detours there.
I feel the same way. I like to use baby oil and of course it puts me in the aisle with all the baby stuff. Makes me so sad!!