Good morning (for some of you at least)!
I hope you’ll be able to join me today as I chat via video with some fabulous childfree women. Expect inspiration, insight, and even some laughs. I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing these ladies and I hope you’ll enjoy hearing what they have to say, too.
Here’s the link to the Live Stream channel where the event will be hosted.
It all starts today at 12pm Pacific time. If you’re not sure what time that is where you are, here’s a time zone converter. Use America/Los Angeles to convert.
Once we go live, you’ll be able to chat to one another using the chat function to the right of the video. I will try to hop in on the discussions when I can.
If you can’t make it to the live broadcast, don’t worry. I’ll be recording the whole thing and you should be able to watch it on the same channel beginning later today.
So pour yourself a cup of tea, coffee, or wine, and join me. I’m looking forward to it.
Hmmm 5am Sunday in Melbourne Australia, I think I’ll have to catch the recorded version later. Looking forward to it.
I’m sorry I missed it. Let us know where we can listen to the podcast!
I wasn’t able to catch you live today but just finished watching the recording. I really enjoyed it and I’m really praying that it’ll reach more people so that more understanding and compassion will exist in “our” world. Thank you so much Lisa for putting it out there!!! Great job!
And kudos to all the contributors as well. It’s hard enough to put ourselves out there on paper, but brave to put your face with your pain. Thanks ladies!
I couldn’t tune in live either. I wish I could read the comments posted by others during the livestream on the chat.
Hi Lisa, thank you for this great blog – it feels like such a relief to find that others have gone through the same experiences, and not to feel so isolated – exactly what I’d been needing! I’d hoped to copy the live chat video on to my blog, but I think tumblr is not one of the sites you are linked to. If you’re interested in having a look it’s called whatwedidwhenwedidnt – it’s a sort of scrapbook of role models that i started as a way of coming to terms with childlessness. Thanks again, and best wishes, Lisa
Just finished watching the recorded conversations and wanted to say thank you again. It really is encouraging to feel that there is a community of people who as you say “get it”, and there was a level of empathy, compassion and wisdom that I found really heartening. Also makes me realise how many women I probably pass in the street or even work with who will have similar stories. Thank you again!
p.s. just realised I can’t call myself Lisa! so have changed it to LisaJ
I missed the live broadcast (a bit early for me) but have managed to watch about 3/4s of the the recording (and will get back to watch the end). How thrilling it was to see and hear three of my favourite writers – you, Pamela and Kathleen. And I loved hearing something new too – Pamela’s idea of going through mental menopause before the physical has “got me thinking.” And Kathleen’s stories of her wedding, and all the questions, made me cringe.
In fact, as I write this, I’ll probably listen to it again, and come back (here or on my blog) with more thoughts. What a wonderful resource you have created!
I just finished watching the recorded broadcast. Great job, all of you!! — some really wonderful stories & insights there, & so much I could relate to. (As Mali says above, Pamela’s idea of “mental menopause” was something I too have been thinking a lot about lately… just waiting for Aunt Flo to get out of the way so that I can get on with things…!). It was like the next best thing to sitting around a table for lunch or coffee with all of you.
I do wish I could have read the chat comments — are they archived anywhere?
I imagine this was a lot of work to put together, Lisa… but I will definitely tune in again if you do another one. : )