This is week I have a number of whines, none of which I’m willing to verbalize on a public forum, because they all involve people I know and like, and would hate to hurt. (Sometimes I wish I blogged anonymously, though.)
But, it is Whiny Wednesday and your chance to vent, so go for it. And just know that I’m stomping and venting to myself over here, too.
Yes, blogging anonymously is a great thing. Only that way you can really write everything you feel.
Whining? Yes. I just found that my coworker (aged 30) that sits in my office on the desk closest to mine is pregnant. I hope that the next few months will not be too tough for me.
Spent an entire dinner party with 20 people who all seemed to have children. The one other couple without children were far away and we only met them at the end of the party. It was great to go out with another NoMo the next night and talk about life and not making smiley face pancakes for small children.
Last week someone broke into our house. Not only were items stolen and every inch ransacked, but our house was vandalized too. The thief, probably a teenager, broke two window, threw eggs against the walls and framed art and tossed a full bottle of Frank hot sauce(the big bottle) all over our carpet. The hot sauce will not come out of the carpet and removing the eggs from the walls ruined the paint. And the company still hasn’t replaced the windows. It’s been a long week.
I’m so sorry!!! Hugs!
I’ve loved the child free discussion on the Maybe Baby blog, and I was saddened to see that the author revealed that she is five months pregnant. I’ll miss the unapologetic critique of baby culture. Sigh.
I am so glad I am not the only one. I cried after I opened it as I was caught so off guard. I would check it often in hopes that I would be convinced to not want to have a baby.
I was very sad too. Almost cried at my desk when I read her last blog entry. It kills me that when she finally made up her mind what she wanted, it was no problem getting it. I wish it was that simple for me, just choosing what I want.
I know, Maria. I know.
I figured that she was pregnant and that was why she only had guests posting for a long time now.
Three baby/pregnancy announcements at work today. No need to say more.
Oh my God, three!
I don’t handle well even one.
Warm hugs!
Hugs! Do something awesome for yourself this weekend, preferably something you couldn’t just run off an do if you had kids. HUGS!!!
Thanks guys. It is tough. It’s real windy here lately so if anyone asks why my eyes are red I’ll say due to allergies.
Hugs and hoping you have a good weekend that is “allergy” free.
I found about three pregnancies at once too, years ago. At the office Christmas party, of all places. :p Just a few months after losing my baby. And the woman who had been pregnant at the same time as me (due a month earlier) showed up. WITH her new baby. It was an absolute nightmare. (((hugs)))
Lisa, you could always log in with a pseudonym, have your whine, and none of us (including your friends/family) would ever know. There’s a reason we have additional gmail accounts, you know!
Clever Mali!
Kelly u have me beat, I only had one pregnancy announcement at work today -like Klara-. But the one was enough! Just hurts my heart that I will never be able to make that announcement. I left the room… Ok actually I cried in the bathroom after I left the room. I know u all understand!
I understand! It’s so hard. They even busted out the pink cupcakes, showed baby pics on the PowerPoint, the whole nine yards. I had to leave the room too. Straight to the bathroom to cry. There are probably hundreds of women like us in bathrooms everyday, all over the world. Totally ruined my day. Cried all day and all night.
Been there. Sorry for you. Hope today is a better day.
I feel like a meany complaining about this, but my husband is way too nice to his friends sometimes. A friend of his who complained he was broke and couldn’t give his kids a christmas making my husband feel bad who then bought gifts for the kids and gave to him to give to them from Santa is now buying fancy tablets for the entire family and taking a big trip (his kids are 5 and 7). I know it’s not up to me but if you complain you never have money and now buying expensive tablets ($300+ each) it bugs me.
Too Many Bills And Not Enough Money. Need I Say More.
Enough said.
I work in a large non-profit (300 people) where the majority of staffers are women, may in their 30s and 40s. There’s constantly a rotating cast of pregnant moms, then moms visiting while on maternity leave, and then moms back at work still nursing. Right now I know of at least 5 pregnancies in the office. This has been going on for years. I mostly do ok – I’ve built up a bit of a callous, and don’t stick around for the all the mom talk – but some days it sucks.
I’m also tired and headachey.
Oh, but it’s Thursday already – a few more hours til TGIF. 🙂