I’m finding that I don’t have much to whine about these days. While I’m thrilled to be in this place of peace, I’m not sure it’s doing much for Whiny Wednesday. I’m concerned that I’m not touching on the topics that might be at the forefront of your lives right now.
So, Kathleen gave me a great idea: Why not put a call out for guest whines?
If you have a topic you’d like to voice or a conversation you’d like to start, drop me a line. Just send me a couple of sentences with your whine and I’ll turn it into a guest post. Let me know too if you’d like to include your first name, a pseudonym, or be anonymous.
As for this week’s whines, feel free to unleash in the comments below.
Kathleen Guthrie Woods says
In no particular order:
* I am struggling with needing to forgive someone while holding her accountable for her actions.
* I wish I were better at standing up for myself in the moment.
* I am so over keeping up with the laundry, but the last time I allowed someone else to do it, she ran my good bras through the dryer.
* I feel like my body is betraying me.
Allison says
I just had a conversation with a coworker that started with “have you considered adopting twin babies” like she had a pregnancy to tell me about. I have never discussed my fertility or lack thereof or anything that indicated I wanted to adopt. I was talking about my dog.
Also, I still haven’t figured out how to make friends with people my own age (40s)that have children. I often feel disposable, or ok to invite to things when it suits them. I’m a thoughtful, carring person that deserves better.
bubli says
1. Trying to cope with the round of new births in our family
2. Starting graduate school, looking for a new job, finding a new hobby (scuba diving) in order to start life fresh is a lot of work. While distracting, it doesn’t really fill the hole of being childless
3. Elder care for my dad while worrying who will do this for me in the future
4. being surprised when feelings of loss come over me
5. The need to go shopping for new clothes and trying to find something I feel good in vs. something I think screams “infertile and poor sense of style.”
Sass says
Too many work pregnancies
Feeling this happened because I am not worthy of being a mother
Hating my first husband for wasting my fertile years
Fearing the quiet we will have for years
Sherry says
1. The constant struggle of feeling my life is imperfect because of not having children.
2. The constant fear of what will happen as my husband and I age.
3. The jealously when seeing friends go through the milestones of being parents and grandparents.
4. The anger of knowing that there are many, many people who should never be able to have children.
5. The pity from other people.
Lisa Manterfield says
Thanks for excellent whine ideas. Coming soon. 🙂