My whine this week is all about this site. Last week, like a dutiful blogger, I did my regular monthly system updates… and all hell broke loose!
As I’m sure you saw firsthand, the comment button vanished into thin air, making it impossible to post comments. Yeah, three days before Mother’s Day and this site is as good as useless.
Added to that, the updates also changed my very rigid spam filters, and while no spam made it onto the site itself, my inbox was overflowing with ads for cheap Oakley sunglasses and knock-off Louis Vuitton.
Everything’s more or less back to normal now, thank goodness (and thanks to a WordPress Wizard who works weekends!) I appreciate patience over the past week. But honestly, it’s times like these I wish we could all meet up for coffee in-person instead of online.
It’s Whiny Wednesday and it’s open forum today. Whatever’s on your mind, feel free to unload it here!
Carmody says
Technology is great and all … when it works. Unfortunately it sometimes doesn’t and that is the downside to our growing technological world. On the other hand, without it, I guess some of us would be alone and unable to reach out to others in similar situations to ours, people who understand what it’s like. So I guess the benefits outweigh the evils of technology.
My Whiny Wednesday rant is family who ring up a week after a miscarriage and expect you to be “over it already”, like it was just a painful flu shot or something equally minor. Never quite understood really how insensitive people could be until I had to walk this road of infertility and loss.
All I can say, without all the helpful articles and people on this site, I’d probably be a blubbering mess hiding under the covers by now.
Onedayatatime says
Hugs to you. I’m bummed that we all had to “meet” this way but I’m glad we all have eachother
irene says
yes more hugs to you Carmody from Downunder. Those of us who can relate and so understand , have you in our great big compassionate hearts! (as Jody Day reminded me )xx
Maria says
I was still a blubbering mess a week after my miscarriage, you are totally normal. My family reacted the same way so I guess they are normal too unfortunately. Glad you came here for support and strength.
Mali says
A week is no time at all. Sending hugs.
Sherry says
My whine is family members who treated you like an actual family member when they needed you to help raise their son (my nephew) for almost six years, but when they don’t need you any more they treat you like you are a nuisance when you want to still be a part of their son’s life. I know teenagers are busy now days, but every time we ask if we can have him stay with us for a long weekend, they always says he has other things to do.
We have tried so hard to be part of his life because he is all we have, but it is becoming such a chore to try and stay connected that I feel like giving up. Right now our future looks very bleak.
irene says
Sherry, my suggestion is to keep in touch with him even if he only occasionally replies as he’s growing up so the time will come when he has a more mature perspective and he’ll still know you love him. Letting him know the door to your heart is always open.xxi
IrisD says
I’m sorry. I had a bit of an episode of that right at the time that my niece was getting ready to go to college. My sister-in-law had a melt down right at the same time that I was realizing I would not have children, and at the highest point of my grief. We generally get along very well, but I was really angry at her. Things have gotten better, or at least, I feel better about. When he was growing up my nephew and I were really, really close. Things changed when he became a teenager. He calls every once in a while, or texts, so we’re in touch, but that closeness we had when he was little did change. My niece is extremely busy now, and she has a boyfriend, so I don’t see her all that much, but we’re still close. I think, when he gets past his teen years, he might be around more. Don’t give up on working on that relationship with him. Sometimes parents can be quite oddly possessive about their children. Try not to take it personally.
Barbara Sapwell says
Hi Sherry,
That age is really hard and it’s definitely not you. I had the same problem with my niece but what I realised is that not only didn’t she want to be around me she didn’t want to be around her parents or grandparents either. She was finding her own place in the world. Now that she is an adult and is independent we have a amazing, wonderful relationship. It got better and I hope it will for you.
Janet T says
Sorry you are going through this. It can be very frustrating. Sometimes it feels like the parents are the roadblocks in our relationships with our nieces and nephews. I know that many times I feel like we are the only ones who make the effort to maintain relationships with some of them. Often times, the relationship does change naturally as the children get older, but hopefully after those transitional teenage years, your nephew will come around all on his own. He is obviously very important to you, so don’t give up on it.
Kara says
My whine is about family that is in a bad place because they make STUPID decisions. Someone in my life is in a bad spot because they asked for my advice and did the COMPLETE OPPOSITE and now has to have the cops to be at the soon to be not their place to get their stuff because the other person is trying to keep it all. EVERYTHING that I said last year that was bad could happen with this person is happening with this person. In all of this drama is a grand total of 6 kids…two who are part of my family and 4 with the crazy person who is being investigated by DCS. If this person had just listened to me last year none of this drama would be going on. Knowing this person…drama follows where ever they are so I’m sure there will always be something going on in this persons life.
Why is it that crazy people can pop out kids like they are a vending machine?
IrisD says
My father in law passed away. Due to his own illness and recovery process, my husband had been unable to go home to see him. He had bought a ticket to fly home on Sunday, and his father passed away on Wednesday.
I am hoping to join him soon, but I have to wait to have a breast ultrasound done. I got called back after my mammogram. I have dense breasts so this is the third time this happens. I am relatively calm about it because I have freaked out so much in the past, but it is always nerve racking.
On a positive note, my mild anxiety over an ultra sound technician’s comments when I had my transvaginal ultrasound, turned out to be nothing to worry about… just an extra little fibroid.
Janet T says
So glad it was nothing too serious, Iris. That anxiety and waiting is not fun. Hope everything turns out ok with the breast ultrasound (I’m sure it will).
Mali says
Waiting is always tough, even when you’re pretty sure it’s nothing. I’m really sorry your husband lost his father. Everything seems to come at once, doesn’t it? Wishing you both well.