By Lisa Manterfield
Oh my goodness! What a nutty couple of weeks. There I was, all set for my traditional “summer’s over, time to get back to business” post when suddenly the comments stopped working.
Of course, it was right before the long Labor Day weekend, so any tech experts were busy flipping burgers, their phones and email either turned off or vehemently ignored. I sweated, I panicked, I considered trying to fix it myself based on an assumption of what I thought was wrong.
Instead, I took a breath and reminded myself of what I so often preach:
It will be okay. It will get fixed, even if it’s not today and even if it’s not how I’d envisioned. In the end, one way or another, it will all work out.
And here we are. Everything is back to normal and all is right in this corner of my world again. It turns out that our little community has been around so long that it outgrew some of its technology. We’re all up-to-date now and should remain that way, knock on wood.
So, if you were frustrated, cursing, and muttering my name under your breath as you tried and failed to jump into a conversation, I apologize and I really appreciate your patience. Here are the posts you missed if you want to jump in now.
On Monday, I wrote about the Ring Theory in How Not to Say the Wrong Thing.
Whiny Wednesday’s topic was the thorny issue of making new friends when you don’t move in the mommy circles.
And on Friday, Kathleen, wrote about assumptions and pressure in her post about Being Blessed with Children.
Normal service will resume on Whiny Wednesday this week.
In other news, I spent much of the summer working on the final book in the Life Without Baby ebook series and it comes out next week!
Thriving in a New Happily Ever After is all about embracing the future, rediscovering who you used to be, and taking small steps in a new direction. I didn’t want it to be another “fix your broken life now!” book and what I hope I’ve written is a gentle, encouraging “How do I get unstuck from where I am now when I have no idea which direction to head next?”
The book comes out on September 22nd and it’s available for preorder on Amazon now. I hope you’ll find it useful.
Glad to see you’re back, Lisa! 🙂
Despite the technical hitches, I hope you had a good summer, and that it wasn’t all work!