Mr. Fab and I got rid of our TV when we first moved in together and—apart from on a handful of occasions—we haven’t missed it at all.
One of the things I definitely don’t miss is the topic of this week’s Whiny Wednesday:
Kid-centric advertising
I’m sure you know what I mean—those ads selling products you might actually use, but which start out with lines like, “We know your family is important to you that’s why you use [fill in the blank product].”
It’s Whiny Wednesday and open season for any topic that’s on your mind.
My whine this week has something that’s got me all stirred up. People being very vocal about not wanting children and then they change their mind and are instantly pregnant! My work colleague has always claimed she and her hubby have never wanted kids… Been very open about it and firm. Well found out yesterday she is pregnant… This news hit me hard! It made me so angry and how unfair life can be. Even waking this morning I am still peeved.
I hear you Becks, my sister in law just got pregnant after declaring she and her husband were going to rock the childfree life. Later I found out they had been trying to get pregnant since their honeymoon. I’m angry that she lied to me, I’m hurt that she wasn’t honest, I’m disappointed that she only shared her real feelings with the mommies of the family, I feel like this is a sample of what’s to come, we won’t be cracking jokes in the corner anymore while we watch the nephews play, she will be with the other mommies because apparently I’m not worth talking to or being honest with because I can’t have children. I’m not yet ready to forgive her and I’m undecided as to whether I will attend the baby shower. I’m just not ready to be happy for her.
I can’t say that I have experienced this exactly, but I do get upset about the unfairness of life where pregnancy is concerned. People who don’t want to be pregnant, people who can’t take care of kids etc. getting pregnant:(
Overall I have less occurrences of agonizing sadness, but it does still strike me at times.
Hi Becks – know exactly what you mean. I’ve heard this too – like Lee the agonising sadness is not so raw but I’ve learnt that any claim to “we’re not trying/don’t want children is rubbish”. Our gym instructor got married last month – she was very vocal about not wanting children just after her engagement last year – my money is on an announcement before the year is out! So sorry you feel angry/sad – its truly unfair and only allowing yourself to feel whatever emotion hits; and knowing that life is completely random; will hopefully help in time.
There is definitely a ton of kid centric advertising this time of year. Luckily we record most of our shows and fast forward through commercials. What really gets me is how tough it is to be part of certain online craft groups because the focus always goes to kids. Lady said something along the lines of she didn’t really get the magic of Christmas till she had kids.
Yes this is a good idea to record – we still turn over baby/kid advertising – I actually think I’m becoming immune or perhaps indifferent. Perhaps I am beginning to move on. 2014 was my most difficult year, where I still harboured thoughts of “what if”. This year I’ve lived life with a “knowing” that it is over – even though I couldn’t quite believe that a lifetime of longing and 17 years of trying (IVF on and off throughout) could end this way. My age (48 as of last month) means it did end this way. I have finally accepted its over and I’ll be ok – I’m still me, I still have my life to live and its time to relish every moment. The little things mean far more to me these days – a smile from a stranger, a coffee with a friend – a new dress for a party night, sitting down and watching the apprentice and being completely absorbed by it. I did all these things previously and throughout our trying years but I think a part of me was always lost in thought or sadness or hope – now I am completely in the moment. Its reassuring to know that how I feel is shared by others and not madness but natural to the grief of our losses.
Becks, I understand. A friend and I went through early infertility treatments together but they had to stop because they didn’t have the money for IVF. We went forward with IVF, and she said she didn’t really care if they had kids because they are so expense, however, after our IVF attempts failed, she got pregnant on their own and not once but twice! Where is the justice in that?!