I’m back from my blog tour and what a wild couple of weeks it’s been, despite rarely leaving my desk!
Even though it was a lot of work to coordinate the tour and write ten posts (!) it was so worth it. I got to chat by email and skype with some of my favorite bloggers, in some cases women I’ve never spoken to beyond the comments section here. We got to know one another on a more personal level and marveled at how far we’ve each come in making peace with our childlessness. I felt, more than ever, a real sense of community and of having a sisterhood of women who completely understand me.
I also got to interact with some of you in a different space, on someone else’s blog. Seeing you there felt like arriving at a foreign airport and seeing a friend waiting with a bunch of flowers. Thank you to everyone who made the tour with me.
If you missed the tour bus, here is a round-up of my travels and all the blogs I visited. I hope you’ll take a little time and hop over to support these wonderful and generous bloggers.
Michelle Marie McGrath’s Unclassified Woman, where we talked about legacy and the myths surrounding childlessness
Loribeth’s The Road Less Travelled, on the topic of embracing possibility
Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos at Silent Sorority, where I answered questions about how far we’ve come
Catherine-Emmanuelle Delisle at Femmes Sans Enfant shared a video of a live story performance I did at Expressing Motherhood a couple of years ago
Justine Brooks Froelker of Ever Upward had questions about what prompted me to write a new Life Without Baby book
Lesley Pyne, on the subject of knowing when it’s time to let go of the dream of motherhood
Sue Fagalde Lick at Childless-by-Marriage, where I wrote about aging without children
Mali at No Kidding in NZ, on the topic of claiming your right to grieve
At French-language site, Bamp.fr, I talked about the benefits of writing through infertility and loss
I’ve also received some great early reviews for the book Here are a couple of snippets:
“As soon as I started reading ‘surviving & thriving… ‘ I felt that Lisa was right there with me, leading me gently by the hand and giving me permission to feel anything. She acknowledges how messy it will be, gives practical ways to get through, and lots of assurance that it will get better. For me, the grief section is particularly helpful; it’s the first time I’ve seen childless grief described in such an empathic and compassionate way.” ~Lesley Pyne, Coach
“I wish Manterfield’s book had been available a decade ago. It would have been a valuable lifeline, a tremendous support at a time there was nothing available for women lost in a maze of fertility treatment promises and murky what ifs, uncertain about how to find balance and a path forward.” ~ Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos, author of Silent Sorority
“Page by page, Lisa holds your hand with gentle, unflinching support, openly sharing her story with you, and giving you permission, guidance, and gentle queries that help in your journey of healing. I only wish that when people called their reproductive endocrinologist’s office to tell them that they were “drawing a line in the sand” that the doctor was honor bound by the Hippocratic oath to send their patients a copy of this wonderful guidebook.” Tracey Cleantis, author of The Next Happy
I am extremely appreciative of these kind and generous words. If you’ve ever bought a book online, you’ll know how influential good reviews can be. If you do happen to pick up a copy of Life Without Baby and find it helpful, I would be thrilled if you’d consider posting a review on Amazon. Goodreads, or other bookseller sites. It would mean a lot to me.
So, now I’m back, normal programming will resume. There’ll be a Whiny Wednesday post this week and Kathleen will be back on Friday with her It Got Me Thinking…column.
I do love that we’re a supportive community, most of us visiting and commenting on each others’ blogs, part of a sisterhood.
And now you’ve reminded me to go review your book!
I’ll admit I don’t get “out” as much as I’d like so it was fun to visit everyone’s blogs.
Thanks in advance for the review. I really do appreciate your support. -x-
Welcome back! I loved having you as a guest on my blog. 🙂 And I just finished your book & loved it too. 🙂 Review to come shortly!
Thanks, loribeth! I really enjoyed visiting you and it was great to get to chat to you too. Thanks for your support all these years. 🙂 I’ll look forward to the review.