I hopped on Netflix recently after something a hiatus. I was in the mood for a movie, but had nothing in mind, so I was delighted to see that Netflix had come up with a Top Ten Suggestions for me. This is what they thought I would like to watch:
Friends with Kids
(Synopses courtesy of IMDb): “Two best friends decide to have a child together while keeping their relationship platonic, so they can avoid the toll kids can take on romantic relationships.”
The Pill
“Worried that he has gotten the free-spirited Mindy pregnant after an unprotected one-night stand, Fred feigns romantic interest and sticks by her side for twelve hours to make sure she takes both doses of the morning-after pill.”
The Switch
“Seven years after the fact, a man comes to the realization that he was the sperm donor for his best friend’s boy.”
Apparently Netfilx is keeping a close eye on my online activity, but like the old Google ads for baby products that used to pop up on this site (before I cut them off!), I don’t think understand me at all.
It’s Whiny Wednesday. What’s causing you to shake your head in dismay today?
Today is the last day of school…so it seems like all over social media, parents are crying that their babies are growing up and can’t believe their kid will be in x grade next year but also at the same time complaining about having their kids all summer.
They are complaining about the all to rapid passage of time but don’t want to have to “deal” with their kids for 72 days. (That is all summer break is here this year.)
I have a similar whine as Kara! Preschool and Kindergarten “graduations” have me whining today. When I was finished with preschool, there were no parties held for me, no pats on the back, no pictures in graduation robes. Good grief! And I’m tired of all the *sob* posts about people’s children growing up. Like, that’s what kids do…they grow up….you don’t need to blather on about it all over social media!
The parental milestones rub me up the wrong way as well and its like pouring salt in a wound when things like starting school and graduation come up and its shoved in your face as it highlights what you sadly lost out on.
I would like to know how to get the “kids” section out of Netflix!!!!! Not the movies, but the ID section. When you first log in it says my husbands name, my name, then “kids”…. Can I take the “kids” part down? Why do they assume we have kids?!?!? Yeah, I have them, but I don’t think they can access Netflix in heaven!!!!
It really bugs me every time I log in to watch House of Cards.
If anyone knows please post so I don’t have to see it anymore….
Thank you!!
Yes to ALL the above and also to parents that say “we have kids but they dont come over very much” or “our kids dont help us” and then post Thanking their kids for helping or showing pictures of kids & grandkids coming over.
Try being 62, having a husband that cannot mow the lawn anymore & driving across town for cancer testings with NO help at all!
I get it! I’m 51 with a recently disabled husband who can no longer drive. Am now having to move 3,000 miles to live near family as my husband is only going to get worse and I will need to help and support of family.
I don’t think these people when they are complaining appreciate is that they have opportunities in life that other poor sods haven’t.
Big hug! Don’t know where you are, but if you are in south Florida I will help.
So disappointed earlier this month when a movie came out with all the actresses I enjoy watching…. But then the movie was called Mothers Day….. Obviously I won’t be watching that one…..
These people who complain need to learn to appreciate the fact that they have opportunities in life that other poor sods have sadly lost out on.
I’m so over the question of Do we have kids asked in unexpected places. Had to drop off our truck for repair (someone hit it) and the rental guy asked if we had kids because then we could’ve maybe upgraded (our insurance covers higher rental, but going through insurance of person who hit us) and we asked about upgrade only because our jeep the top is off and the weather is beautiful so will miss that in our rental. Plus over the top gender reveals seem like the big thing in my area, so tired of hearing about them and seeing houses all decorated and set up outside for them on my morning jog.
I had outpatient surgery last week and the preop nurse just kept talking and talking I guess in an attempt to calm my nerves. I just listened to her go on and on and then she asked me if I had children. I felt like telling her it was none of her business but instead I said no, and she paused for a moment and then I said ‘Oh, well that’s ok’, like she was trying to comfort me or let me know that she wasn’t going to judge me. What she really felt was pity for me.
I had lunch with a friend and former colleague. As I ordered my beverage, she eyed it and said “I thought you might be telling me you were pregnant, but I guess not!” It was said playfully, but nonetheless it hurt.
To rub salt in the wounds, she told me she expects baby new next time we see each other. I know she meant it harmlessly, and doesn’t understand the insensitivity behind it (who would really, than us here) – but it stings all the same. The pressure that I feel right now only exacerbates the fact that I feel like a total utter failure.
I recently had my 33rd birthday and my mother points out the fact when she was my age, I was already 2 years old – and I guess you aren’t having kids. I feel like such a disappointment.
It hurts doesn’t it when you get denied something supposedly so easy and natural for everyone else yet for you its hard to come by and those questions about kids are like salt being poured into an open wound when they are asked.
Well said, J. Others don’t understand our feelings – so it’s hard for us to be upset with playful teasing and call them insensitive.
The quote “be kind, for everyone is fighting their own battle” comes to mind. I’m sure everyone says something seemingly harmless to others without understanding the hurt it may ensue.
I know how you feel my mother is good at making me feel inferior to other women. Constantly comparing me to other women.She says so and so has 4 babies now.. I always say good for her(sarcastically). . Come to find out they only have two but she exaggerated it. Just to get to me. She even forced,and drummed the where are my grandkids question? To me I couldn’t even enjoy my late teens and early 20’s without her bashing and pressuring me. Nothing wrong with a mother wanting grandkids from her daughter. But the way she went about wanting them was highly hurtful,and disrespectful. I also received the pressure from other family members trust me. I just turned 31 and she has finally accepted it. But its still awkward when talk of pregnancy comes up and when around pregnant women my age. I could look at her and tell what she is thinking. Its so annoying now use to be painful now just annoying. Now being 31and single. I have to hear it from men I meet. They are stunned that I have no kids. I have found Life without kids to be, a never ending battle. You have to constantly be on defense, prepared have a response for rude comments, justify how complete you are w/o kids, force yourself to be constantly grateful for what you do have,remain hopeful, guard your hearts…. Iy yi yi
No matter how resilient or positive I try to be. I can never shake the “Why Me” phrase. It seem to be inevitable.
The same thing happened to me as I also couldn’t enjoy my teens and early 20s either as getting married and starting a family was regularly shoved in my face from about 18 onwards whenever I intended to do something that was disapproved of such as when I had wanted to have left uni to do a nursing course and had been told supposedly nursing was inadequate for when I was married and started a family and the way it was said to me had upset me as well and it had been shoved at me nasty umpteen times throughout my 20s but doesn’t get shoved at me now as when I was 26 it had been shoved at me when I had wanted to change my job and I had said to them that I was doing what I wanted and how it was stupid to plan things around something that didn’t exist and things had got nasty and I did change my job eventually.
I get told so and so got married last week or had a baby and my response nowadays is so? Its no skin off my nose!
I will turn 40 in October and I don’t regret living life now as in no way are those things the be all and end all of life and with regards to grandkids well that’s just hard luck as we don’t always get what we want in life.
That’s happened to me as well. Whenever I would want something my folks didn’t approve of the what about when you are married and start a family would be brought up from 19 until I was 26 and it would upset me as it was done in a hurtful way.
It never happens to me now as I am nearly 40 because I stood up to them when I was 26 saying how it was stupid to plan things around something that didn’t exist and did what I wanted to do as no life happens now not when you reach the married and starting a family part as its not the be all and end all of life and they won’t get grandkids from me anyway and its hard luck as we don’t get everything we want from life and I get so and so got married and had a baby off them and my response is so what? Its no skin off my nose.
Key is no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Point is of course you are grateful for all you have but it doesn’t stop you feeling sad for what you wanted but sadly lost out on.