It has been a pretty wild year, hasn’t it? I am certainly hoping that 2018 shows some big improvements.
But, before we close out this year, here is your last opportunity to rant this year. It’s an open forum (within reason), so feel free to get things off your chest so we can start fresh next year.
Happy whining!
it truly has been a rollercoaster of a year .. here’s to new beginnings in 2018 .. wishing everyone here a happy and blessed new year.
Hi Liss, I’ve come a long way in coping with infertility at Christmas and the baggage it has. My main wish at the moment is that stepkids drama would calm down. They are approaching 40. You would think that they could take the target off my forehead and we could be mature and respectful to one another but after all these years it’s still pretty one way.
My mum was showing me pictures of relatives children (on Christmas day) saying “ahhh looook, don’t they look cute.” Didn’t have the heart to tell her how much it was hurting so feigned tiredness so I could go to my room and have a cry! I know she didn’t mean to upset me but I felt like even more of a failure than I usually do.
Really tired of having to watch everyone else’s children open Christmas presents. It’s torture. Not to mention boring. And everyone looks at me like I’m rude because I feel this way.
Really don’t appreciate when some of my friends rubbing in my face that they spent Christmas with their children…
Consider I don’t have family in the States… anyway….
Thank all of you and Lisa for your kindness and support during this year!!!
Wishing all of you the best years ever, starting 2018…
Lately I I have been challenged in accepting my infertility related to menopause wh by has really kicked my butt. With the mood swings, insomnia, some anger, iand the bleeding which was worse then when I had my period. We discussed my options and a total hysterectomy we agreed on. The one statistic that helped me relive my infertility was that I was 1 in 70 chance of getting ovarian cancer, because as have not had children! Boy does that rub salt in the wound for me. When I get up in the morning I don’t think of myself as childless, I’m Sandy who works has a life and husband. But between my niece having a baby, thinking of the child we had for a brief time and his birth mom wanted him back and we had to give him up, and at times feeling like a failure because I could not give my husband a child, is a bit crushing at the moment. It feels like your a hamster on a wheel, and you keep going around in circles but doubt there is any forward progress. It’s only been 2 weeks since I have made the decision, but wow , it has been more challenging than it’s been for a while. Thank you so much for this column which makes me feel like one of the girls and instead Of feeling ad about who I am because of this. happy New Year, grateful for the love, acourage and strength and having a place to come to talk about this with people who really understand. Happy New Year! Hugs, Sandy./ super sassy!
Three weddings of female co workers this month, so in 2018 there will be like three pregnancy announcements, then baby showers, then you know what’s next. Oh life!!! 🙂 I guess I’ll just have to smile a lot in 2018 more than I did in 2017.
Whine is The epidemic of pregnant women.. Maybe I need to stay off social media(Instagram). Every other picture is a baby bump. And those celebrity sisters pregnant at same time. Don’t want to say their name. I’m sick of hearing about them.
Everywhere I turn in public its a bassinet stroller or canopy draped over a carseat.
I’m mad my biological clock is ticking away. I feel it each month its physically abuse and torture. To have to feel yourself ovulate and feel how your body craves pregnancy, and you can’t do a damn thing about it. I’m upset that I can’t just go and sleep with a guy and get pregnant like that. The maternal desires are just bubbling over. It not fair I crave to be pushing a cute stroller down the street. Breast feeding.. My breast ache to be suckled on and filled with sweet milk.
Well its pretty pointless to have a period each month. I’ve been wishing not to get one anymore. I mean whats the point if my little eggs are just gonna pass through my tubes without meeting sperm. I’m one of those people who would rather not know something, if it going to hurt me. Being aware that your body is fertile and ready to make a baby.. But you are not meant to have one is torment. And no woman should ever have to feel that pain..
Tina, I’m so sorry that you are struggling. I understand what you mean. I’ve often wondered why I have to go through the motions of periods if my uterus isn’t going to work anyway!